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..in the eye of the beholder

Luc Ferry (no relation) is a former Gaullist education minister on the other side of the ditch, and he clearly thinks he's pretty hot stuff, judging from his rationale for turning down a list place for the Euro elections in SE France:

"Je lui ai définitivement dit non il y a dix jours, parce qu'on n'a pas besoin des “beautiful people” de Paris pour tirer les listes en province"

This is what he looks like:

He's an academic philosopher when he's not shooting himself in the foot. So, ladies and those gentlemen who prefer gentlemen, is he hot or not?


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Blogger Old BE said... 11:14 am

He has a bit of the Nigel Lawson about him. I don't know whether that is a good thing or a bad thing...  

Blogger Croydonian said... 11:19 am

Yeah, see what you mean. If he has or might father a daughter at the same level of pulchritude as La Lawson, my hat will be well and truly doffed.  

Blogger JuliaM said... 6:57 pm

He might just be hot if he dropped the creepy, creepy naked doll.

Oh, and if I was completely smashed...

And on drugs..  

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