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Rock stars, is there anything they don't know? Part 73

The Davos boys and girls, or as they prefer to be called, the World Economic Forum, has been crowning this year's crop of Young Global Leaders, 'for their professional accomplishments, commitment to society and potential to contribute to shaping the future of the world'.


They did this last year and crowned Milliband minor, Zac Goldsmith and Elisabeth Murdoch.

And what have we got this year? Sundry business bods, the editor of the Daily Telegraph (could we have Charles Moore back, please?) etc etc and not exactly thrilling.

However, we also have Chris 'I'm married to Gwyneth Paltrow' Martin of popular beat combo Coldplay. Not really my thing, and having checked my man with his finger on the pulse of what is or is not cool, they are apparently far from it. I am slightly hesitant about being over mean to a fellow UCL alum, but Martin's leadership credentials appear to boil down to liking Democratic candidates for the US presidency and having limited understanding of free trade.

Other honourees include Michael Schumacher, Tiger Woods and Sachin Tendulkar, so the list is beginning to smack of being a list of folk the jury want to hang out with and grab autographs from.

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