'Had we, he would have been the one on the(I so,so wanted to say 'ze left')left facing ze(oops)camera and now I 'ave to go back an' putin(!) so meeny bracquets zat(Oh noes, I deed it again) it would(think goad for Engleesh) be unintelligible'.
Mix as you wish: (((( and ))) at least, I think? STB.
'Had we, he would have been the one on the(I so,so wanted to say 'ze left')left facing ze(oops)camera and now I 'ave to go back an' putin(!) so meeny bracquets zat(Oh noes, I deed it again) it would(think goad for Engleesh) be unintelligible'.
Mix as you wish: (((( and ))) at least, I think?
And STB storms into the winning position.
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