Robocop a l'Anglais
Deep in the badlands of North London, Her Majesty's Finest are going to be patrolling with hat mounted cameras.
Since said cameras are fairly small, with any luck there will not be a blizzard of lawsuits under health and safety regulations, or plods holding their heads at 45 degrees. It seems a reasonably sensible use of the technology, although quite why the cameras cost £1800 is a mystery worthy of Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys and McGruff the Crime Fighting Dog. Perhaps they will recoup the costs by selling the footage to the ridiculous man who hosts 'World's Wildest Police Chases' (a 100% certified irony free zone, and a thoroughly post-modern form of entertainment for a Sunday evening).
Since said cameras are fairly small, with any luck there will not be a blizzard of lawsuits under health and safety regulations, or plods holding their heads at 45 degrees. It seems a reasonably sensible use of the technology, although quite why the cameras cost £1800 is a mystery worthy of Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys and McGruff the Crime Fighting Dog. Perhaps they will recoup the costs by selling the footage to the ridiculous man who hosts 'World's Wildest Police Chases' (a 100% certified irony free zone, and a thoroughly post-modern form of entertainment for a Sunday evening).
Pah badlands , the land of milk and honey compared to the dark zone Croydon. I regard each new intrusion of surveillance with horror and especially the interlinked data case allied to the development .
DID YOU SEE how many people they are tracking with their oyster cards!
ID cards coming, 24 hour vechile tracking its terrifying and its over all affect that is the problem?
Any way if they kept it on all the time it would show them harassing drivers and playing ludo almost uninterruptedly
And I thought to myself, if the dig about North London 'don't fetch 'em, I don't know Arkansaw'. And I was right. This is Haringey we are talking about.
I suspect they will only switch it on when it suits them....
Our very attractive blonde young police person cyclist has been whizzing around Bristol with one of these on her head for the last twelve months
Not entirely sure why, but that puts me in mind of a muincipal cop I saw in Florence some time back who had blonde hair cascading half way down her back. Given that Italian plod sport British style helmets, if in white, it was a bit of a culture shock.
Sadly, I have never got over the sight of a marin of the female variety at the Chunnel sporting figure hugging uniform and very large machine gun............ I have completely forgotton how this post started !
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