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Segolene Royal

Segolene Royal

The French edition of that journal of record, FHM, polled the readership on the world's sexiest women, and would be socialist presidential hopeful La Royal made sixth. Does this tell us that France is lacking in pulchritudinous women, or that nos amis outre Manche are taking a heightened interest in politics? Can't say that 'socialist' and 'sexy' go together that often in my book... I very much doubt if many of the readers of the British edition could name any female politicians beyond Clare Short, Margaret Thatcher and Hilary Clinton, none of whom I could see appealing to them. Still, I suppose it makes a change from the equivalent polls in this country which always seem to be dominated by girl next door types who happen to have benefited from having good lighting and a publicist.

Anyway, judge for yourselves:

(She's the one on the left)

Can't say that I want my politicians to be sexy, frankly. However, if I did have to choose an obscur objet du désir from among French Socialists it would be Élisabeth Guigou in her prime. Right, that's enough of being shallow.....


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Blogger Rigger Mortice said... 9:16 am

you would wouldn't you!!  

Blogger Croydonian said... 11:20 am

La Guigou? Certainly tempting, although after one failed relationship with a Frenchwoman, I'm a tad wary.....  

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