Alarmist headline o' the day
From our old friends at the UN:
Yup, it says 'Some 400 Billion People Could Join Ranks of Slum Dwellers by 2020 Unless Urgent Action Is Taken to Reverse Trend, UN–Habitat Tells Second Committee'.
I guess we of baby making age have got our work cut out if we are going to increase the world's population nigh on 60 fold.
Yup, it says 'Some 400 Billion People Could Join Ranks of Slum Dwellers by 2020 Unless Urgent Action Is Taken to Reverse Trend, UN–Habitat Tells Second Committee'.
I guess we of baby making age have got our work cut out if we are going to increase the world's population nigh on 60 fold.
Labels: pedantry, United Nations
Whilst I'm usually sceptical of UN initiatives, if their request is for me to sleep with several million women then (subject to them passing Quality Assurance standards) I'm prepared to Do My Bit For Mankind.
I would volunteer to step up to the plate, but a Certain Someone would have my hide if I did.
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