The 'Mother Church' as Gaullism at prayer
The Plain People of France are being harassed by clipboard-wielders again, and the issue of the hour is the Roman Catholic vote in the Euro elections. The commissioning party is La Croix, the Gallic equivalent of The Tablet.
First up, the overall electorate:
(As ever, click for legibility)
First up, the overall electorate:

So, the Gaullists are well ahead at 26% to the 21.5% for the Socialists, while the extreme left musters 24% of the vote between them (Old Trots, New Trots, Communists, Greens). The Lib Dem equivalent Mouvement Démocrate appeals to some 14%, while 7.5% opt for the Front and 5% for the curious coalition that is the Huntin', Shootin' & Fishin' Party / Mouvement Pour France list. They are part of the Libertas slate for this election, so are moderately eurosceptic.
What, however, of practicing Roman Catholics?

Well, the certifiable Left is not very popular - a combined share of 7%. The Gaullists are way out in front with 42%, and then there is a three-way scramble for second between the Socialists, MoDem and the Eurosceptics. One might further note that église goers have considerably less truck with the Front than the French overall, at 4% to 7.5%. I think that is to their credit. So, while 31.5% of the French are happy to vote for horse frighteners, only 11% of Roman Catholics are. What a very moderate bunch they are.
What, however, of practicing Roman Catholics?

Well, the certifiable Left is not very popular - a combined share of 7%. The Gaullists are way out in front with 42%, and then there is a three-way scramble for second between the Socialists, MoDem and the Eurosceptics. One might further note that église goers have considerably less truck with the Front than the French overall, at 4% to 7.5%. I think that is to their credit. So, while 31.5% of the French are happy to vote for horse frighteners, only 11% of Roman Catholics are. What a very moderate bunch they are.
I wonder if there is a similar chart in the process which describes the voting intentions of thoroughly-pissed-off British voters who see the Present Political Commissars sliding away from the vengeance which will surely be wreaked upon their craven, shivering bodies at the next election, whenever the scum at the top think they can get away with calling it?
You have to wonder, don't you?
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