Guess who is missing its escudos, pesatas and so on?

Yet more from Eurobarometer, and yet more gratuitous use of graphics:
"Tell me whether you totally agree, tend to agree, tend to disagree or totally disagree with the following statement: (OUR COUNTRY) would have been better protected in the face of the current financial and economic crisis if we had kept the (FORMER NATIONAL CURRENCY).
The Spanish, Cypriots and Portuguese seem to be missing their old currencies, while the much vaunted supposed love of the Germans for the Mark and the Italians for the Lira appears to have been overplayed. Special mark of disgrace for the high number of Italian and Irish 'don't knows'.
And prospective Euro adopters, asked a rejigged version of that question:
Tell me whether you totally agree, tend to agree, tend to disagree or totally disagree with the following statement: (OUR COUNTRY) would have been better protected in the face of the current financial and economic crisis if we had adopted the European single currency, the euro

Labels: EU fun and games, fun with statistics, the recession
Canst thou not rid me of this fundamentalist country foreshortened to DK?
Am I to be undone by a kitchen?
Always give the Devil his due...
OK, I'll use D/K next time, if that helps.
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