Navel-gazing survey o' the day
From France. Obviously.
The Ministry of Housing has been fretting about what unites the French, and the results are in:
The Ministry of Housing has been fretting about what unites the French, and the results are in:
Not a wholly outrageous set of answers, although our Gallic chums were choosing from a list. They were then asked which of the three Republican Values they felt France needed more of, and it was equality. I would have opted for liberty, but it split 39% for Equality and 30% apiece for Freedom and Brotherhood. Less than 100 as France has its mouth breathers too.
Anonymous said... 10:12 pmThose who opt for equality over liberty probably also breathe through their mouths as well as dragging their knuckles on the ground as they walk.
Croydonian said... 9:54 am
I can't say I was impressed with that either. I quizzed my source with the beret and the gauloise glued to his lower lip, and he failed to give me a rendering of 'mouth breather' in French, which was annoying.
Unsworth said... 2:50 pm
Yes, Fraternité can translate as Brotherhood - but with different connotations (in both directions!) I feel.
And whereas French Fraternité is fairly fickle, French Enmity is rather more certain.
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