Great lawsuits of our time
This one from the City of the Angels:
"Paris Hilton is being sued by a woman who claims the blonde socialite "stole" her a...personal injury complaint filed in Los Angeles Superior Court earlier this month, O'Neill alleges that she suffers psychologically because of Hilton and accuses the 26-year-old of ripping off her style, including fashion-related "patens" (sic) and "stiling" (sic) tips".
If she wins, I hope she will spend some of the money on spelling lessons.
"Paris Hilton is being sued by a woman who claims the blonde socialite "stole" her a...personal injury complaint filed in Los Angeles Superior Court earlier this month, O'Neill alleges that she suffers psychologically because of Hilton and accuses the 26-year-old of ripping off her style, including fashion-related "patens" (sic) and "stiling" (sic) tips".
If she wins, I hope she will spend some of the money on spelling lessons.
I'm very glad to hear that this is possible as now I can sue Angelina Jolie for stealing my look. My next door neighbour is contemplating suing Brad Pitt for stealing his look.
This sounds like the kind of interesting new hobby that Heather McCartney could get involved in.
The lady who runs the corner store around here is contemplating suing Gloria Gaynor for stealing her look which is, frankly, laughable. She's not even black! Some people!
Terrible, isn't it? Someone sets a perfectly good precedent with a lawsuit, and then all the chancers come creeping out of the wainscotting.....
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