French sociologists. Doncha just love them?
Where would we be without French intellectuals?
Well, we would not have earth shattering revelations about the French and their use of le téléphone portable. Alas they are not as intriguing as those Roland Barthes might have concocted, but here goes:
Well knock me down with une plume.
Well, we would not have earth shattering revelations about the French and their use of le téléphone portable. Alas they are not as intriguing as those Roland Barthes might have concocted, but here goes:
"...instead of going normally, people with a telephone slow down at moments, turn on themselves, and walk with less grace..."
"the researchers also note the paramount role of the thumb in these contemporary gestures".
Well knock me down with une plume.
Labels: France
What a truly ghastly website that is, C. Design? jamais entendu parler de lui
You do us all (yet another) service in monitoring it for us
I particularly loved the comment drawing attention to the analysis Umberto Eco did about 10 years ago on the subject in his book "How to travel with a salmon". How does one say "Pretentious, moi?" in Italian?
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