Mystic Croydonian predicts...
...a vast outbreak of school absenteeism across the length and breath of Germany on Monday.
And why is this?
For this reason: "On 22 January, German members of staff at the European Commission will visit their old schools and have discussions with the pupils about Europe. More than 450 German members of staff from the European Commission will be arriving direct from Brussels. Together with the Members of the Federal Government, the German Bundestag and the European Parliament, they will visit German schools and have discussions with the pupils about Europe. More than 140 of the discussion seminars will take place in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria alone". Was fur Glück fur die Suddeutsche schulkinder.... (Corrections to my very creaky German are welcome).
Margot 'Media Pluralism' Wallström thinks it is cracking idea: "the initiative shows how the EU should communicate: namely, in a direct dialogue with members of the public". I'm sure that this has nothing to do with German MEPs etc wanting to build up their airmiles or to get away from some of their more obnoxious fellow parliamentarians.
In the meantime I offer my sympathies to those German schoolchildren who lacked the foresight to arrange a trip to the dentist, or to fake pneumonic plague, leprosy, or Lou Gehrig's disease.
And why is this?
For this reason: "On 22 January, German members of staff at the European Commission will visit their old schools and have discussions with the pupils about Europe. More than 450 German members of staff from the European Commission will be arriving direct from Brussels. Together with the Members of the Federal Government, the German Bundestag and the European Parliament, they will visit German schools and have discussions with the pupils about Europe. More than 140 of the discussion seminars will take place in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria alone". Was fur Glück fur die Suddeutsche schulkinder.... (Corrections to my very creaky German are welcome).
Margot 'Media Pluralism' Wallström thinks it is cracking idea: "the initiative shows how the EU should communicate: namely, in a direct dialogue with members of the public". I'm sure that this has nothing to do with German MEPs etc wanting to build up their airmiles or to get away from some of their more obnoxious fellow parliamentarians.
In the meantime I offer my sympathies to those German schoolchildren who lacked the foresight to arrange a trip to the dentist, or to fake pneumonic plague, leprosy, or Lou Gehrig's disease.
Labels: EU fun and games, Germany
Yes C you cannot create a demos where there is none . Look at the vast efforts and political vested interest poured into retaining the Union but the exercise is doomed to failure . The scots can only be sold the idea by scaring them about the money and the English cannot accept that.
Simon Heffer made an excellent comparison when he likened UK nostalgia mongers of today to the bewhiskered absurdities of the 60s who had not noticed Suez and dreamt of Empire
The future lies in smaller nation states ina global economy. The fly in the oitment is military capability. I am optimistic that no chances will be taken with defence and suitable arrangements will be made
I have Lou Gehrigs disease - it is not funny. AlsoDanke. Good German would be "Ich traue mich fur den kinder in Sud Deutschland..." etc.
Duly noted - just an ailment I pulled out of the bran tub at random, and no offence intended.
Time for a trip to the vets mr mutley
They should visit in the afternoon - the schools have more time then and the pupils have gone home
Voyager - I think that would be a kindness for all concerned.
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