And now for something completely different.
I offer up a video supposedly hailing the military prowess etc of the 'Democratic People's Republic' of Korea (They've got Mig 21s....), the song to which puts me in mind of the Village People.
Anyway, enjoy.
Anyway, enjoy.
check it out, it's a beaut:
you may not believe this , but it came as a suprise to me to find out that the vilage people were poofs )+:
I was young
Actually not all were, the biker bloke was straight , as I think was the cop, although he did turn into a crack addicted loon.
No, I think they were all gay. It was the first gay group. And The YMCA was the first gay anthem.
I always liked the Native American. He looked so Jewish.
Not having enabled ActiveX, that certainly bored me.
The commentary put me in mind of Radio Tirana which I listened to in my distant youth. In their round-ups of revolutionary developments they would frequently offer coverage of the Troubles, referring to the IRA as "the patriotic peasants of N.Ireland".
IT - Thanks. Lunacy from the DPKR is always welcome.
Apparently the cop was straight.
PH - you and me both. At the age of 11 or so I was not that well informed as to what NY gay archetypes look like.
Nick - that is a corker. I could rarely pick up Tirana in the UK, but it was a 'treat' while on holiday. Well, for the odd ten minutes.
Ah! Radio Tirana! I remember the announcers always spoke such beautiful English _ the sort today's BBC would no doubt find 'elitist' / insufficiently 'inclusive'.... I did wonder as a boy in the 70's why the only radio in the house which could pick up Tirana/ Radio Moscow etc. was the dinosaur 30's number kept as a curio. Those 30's radio technicians must all have been 'premature anti-fascists'.
O! _ and re. the Village People: hard to believe C and PHITCH were such innocents way back when... I seem to recall everyone cottoning on to the 'gay' thing somewhere between the execrable 'YMCA' (my co-ordination is so poor I can't do the hand jive) and the risible 'In the Navy'. Their best number by far is 'Go West' _ which always makes me think of America and pioneer capitalism too at their most innocent and exuberant best. Best rendition I ever heard was by the 200-strong San Francisco Gay Mens Choir _ forget the weedy version by the etiolated Pet Shop Boys!
David - Yes, the press 'discovered' it round about then, and hence the rest of us who were less than well informed.
The biggest laugh of the lot is that the US Navy collaborated with them for 'In the Navy', as they were intent on using it as a recruiting song. Yes, really.
Didn't realise there was a cult R.Tirana following out there. We can all come out of the closet now, I guess.
Used one of those classic 1950's Bush sets, meself. Needed a careful hand on the dial.
Always wished I could see the lovely lady who intoned "good night, dear listeners" before the Internationale.
And now we go over to mania or hitch for a joke on 'bush'. Oh, sorry, this is C-ville, I was forgetting.
I loved YMCA and could do all the hand movements. I liked dancing to it with gay men because they also had all the hand movements in perfect coordination and would add their own stylish little twists.
I also like In The Navy. I also liked You Can't Stop The Music and Just A Gigolo.
I didn't know the policeman was straight.
I was sure Radio Tirana had got a mention here before, but presently I can find no references in the archives.
There goes that Mr. Allen with his big fancy words again...gotcha etiolated recycler and I still suspect you are confusing it with exfoliated
David how interesting it is to read your critical review of the works of the village people . I had no idea there was such a spectrum of achievement whithin the oevre. A boy in the 1970s? ........intake of breath
V said: "I liked dancing to it with gay men because they also had all the hand movements in perfect coordination and would add their own stylish little twists." _ well, I always knew I made a crap poof.... have adopted a manbag of late to compensate, but that doesn't seem to be working either...
Newmania: glad you spotted my deliberate inclusion of 'etiolated' for your delectation. I know how much you appreciated it the last time...
C: re. the US Navy _ I understand from UK officer friends that it was lost to straightdom well before even the advent of the Village People.
Gaaaaagh .......! I've just read in The Mail that Blair has announced he will stay on long enough to launch New New Labour!
We all know he's insance, but I didn't know he was critical. He is never going to go! He is your worst nightmare.
That should have read 'insane', of course, but I was too unnerved to type straight.
As a simpsons fan i so like the fact that Homer simpsons favourite song is
"its raining men" by the weather girls
OK ladies.. lets see who can come up with the campest song?
"You make me feel" by sylvester
"I will survive" gloria Gaynor
No cheating and therefore no communards/bronski beat/erasure or the petshop boys.
oooooo Ive come over all giddy
He has gone hasn't he (+:
I cant see him leaving number 10 unless its after having been tranquillised and strapped down.
PH at 5.42 - *Any* version of 'Don't rain on my parade'.
PHITCH: for campest song I nominate "If you like the taste of beef, slice me nice" by (I think) Miuel Brown.....
He will not go in June, of that I am certain. He thinks the Labour Party can't survive without him, the delusional, egomaniacal, messianic simpleton. Actually, he thinks the world can't turn on its axis without him. He is stark, staring bonkers. And he won't go. Just you wait and see.
And I won't go before the party conference in the autumn, either. He will find an urgent reason why he has to stay on. I love seeing him humiliated in this way. If only he understand that everyone's laughing at him.
Anything by Barbra Streisand or Liza Minelli. Judy Garland. All time campest song, "Over The Rainbow". All the gays played it on their stereos on the day she died.
"so macho" by sinnita
"i was a male sripper" man2man parish
TB is a complete nut case-no question about it.The man needs to be sectioned under the Mental Health Act and exorcised to boot. He's certainly a fine one to say that Gordo has got "psychological flaws", isn't he? TB'll quit right after Parliament recesses for the Summer. Awkward, very awkward for Gordon....
fill your show boots
tainted kiss, surley?
remember the video...!
He will find a reason to stay on. An emergency that only a seasoned hand on the tiller can deal with.
The Queen may have to call out the military to storm No 10. That would be fun!
If you haven't already seen it, the Alien Song version of I Will Survive is bloody funny ( even after all these years
Good thread , Blair abuse with gay beats going on in the background. What a word "A man bag ?"., That will be in my updated Importance of being Earnestina.
I , rather bravely , disagree with Verity. I have the impression that money has been more important than fame for while now . Look at the way he flutters his little Bamby eyes at ostentatious , not to say , hideous wealth. A holiday here an trip there a celeb posterior gorged upon there. Its all about timing his exit for the maximum bucks . I don1tvbelive Blair is insane he is just somewhat unscrupulous and greedy.
I think he is both, with a pinch of stupidity to liven up the unsavoury stew that is the mind of Tony Blair. The simplistic way he looks at things is, if not infantile, at least adolescent. And surely you cannot deny that he is messianic, which is a sign of severe mental disturbance.
And has it never occurred to anyone else that, aspirant actor that he was, he is playing a role? He is playing the role of prime minister of Great Britain. And he is playing the role of "war leader". I think he's bonkers.
That doesn't mean he's not greedy bonkers. He certainly is hungry for money so he can play the role of a rich man, like Berlusconi, who he so much admires and travel around the world like a rich man.
He was after the role of grandiose unelected president of the EU at one point, but that slipped through his fingers.
I think he saw himself as a chum of Mr Bush at one point, but that family is way beyond his aspirations and they are way too politically astute to lumber themselves with parvenues like the Blairs.
But it's all false. It's all phony. He is not really interested in politics. He is interested in his lines.
I happen to agree with Verity (as usual). It was never about politics with Blair. The man has never had any firm, non-negotiable political beliefs. He is and never has been a Socialist or a Social Democrat. He is not even a Christian democrat.
TB clearly appears to be suffering from an advanced case of delusional self-importance, combined with a large dose of religious mania and latent personal inadequacy. Hence, the obsession with the trappings of power, money and authority. Of course, the lovely Cherie is completely and utterly stark raving mad as well so that hardly helps matters, does it? It will take an SAS detachment to prise the Bliars out of No10.
Unlikely though it is -the best we can hope for is that the CPS decides to prosecute him for his role in ‘cash for honours’, thus forcing his resignation in Feb 2007 when they have received the files and recommendations from the Met. As I say it's all a bit unlikely. Alas.
I happen to agree with Verity (as usual). It was never about politics with Blair. The man has never had any firm, non-negotiable political beliefs. He is and never has been a Socialist or a Social Democrat. He is not even a Christian democrat. And whatever happened to the “Third Way”?TB appears to be suffering from an advanced case of delusional self-importance, combined with a large dose of religious mania and latent personal inadequacy. Hence, the obsession with the trappings of power, money and authority. Of course, the lovely Cherie is completely and utterly stark raving mad as well so that hardly helps matters, does it? It will take an SAS detachment to prise the Bliars out of No10.
Unlikely though it is -the best we can hope for is that the CPS decides to prosecute him for his role in ‘cash for honours’, thus forcing his resignation in Feb 2007 when they have received the files and recommendations from the Met. As I say its all a bit unlikely. Alas.
I happen to agree with Verity (as usual). It was never about politics with Blair. The man has never had any firm, non-negotiable political beliefs. He is and never has been a Socialist or a Social Democrat. He is not even a Christian democrat. And whatever happened to the “Third Way”?
TB clearly appears to be suffering from an advanced case of delusional self-importance, combined with a large dose of religious mania and latent personal inadequacy. Hence, the obsession with the trappings of power, money and authority. Of course, the lovely Cherie is completely and utterly stark raving mad as well so that hardly helps matters, does it? It will take an SAS detachment to prise the Bliars out of No10.
Unlikely though it is -the best we can hope for is that the CPS decides to prosecute him for his role in ‘cash for honours’, thus forcing his resignation in Feb 2007 when they have received the files and recommendations from the Met. As I say its all a bit unlikely. Alas.
croydonian, apologies. having terrible trouble with Blogger tonight.The occasional power cut ain't helping...
His lines and his smile , and here Verity you touch on the problem facing the saintly David Cameron. I `m never quite sure if you are a Conservative or an anarchist but it has been worrying me that you, and you are not alone , so dislike David Cameron. I noticed you and PHITCH claiming you would rather vote for the BNP than the Conservative Party ,although you are aware it is racist in the stupidest way and socialist. I cannot believe you actively like this party so I put this down to a violent dissatisfaction with both the main parties.
While those who would vote UKIP are actively engaged in a game of cat and mouse , seeking to re-make a Conservative party they can join others , many more, have a visceral loathing of the options before them. I couldn’t care less about the disembodied ghost of Marxism but why are perfectly sensible people prepared to rush like lemmings into five more years of Socialism . I think it stems from what a Conservative at heart really is .
A Conservative believes in people .. He believes that without the state twisting them into beggary and nihilism they are responsible , loyal and even heroic. He believes these good qualities are expressed in notions of duty , love of family and of country, by extension, as the emblem of the tribe. Within this frame work of free individuals tied by a thousand bonds of tradition and affection ,he naturally wishes to help the unfortunate . He will be sceptical of the new and modern but amenable to adjustment coming from experience not dogma. Naturally he will loathe all ideological claims to know an answer and most particularly when it stifles this natural good in people that he cannot forget.
With his focus always on people he is reasonable , a trader before a warrior .
Sometimes this can be misunderstood , because he distrusts dogma he is identified with the empirical , the pragmatic . From his honouring traditions comes the misconception he is stiff and disconnected. None of this is the truth . Everything springs from an innate delight in the possibilities of free men and women.
A classicist thinks that people are buckets and that only by rigorous organisation can they be turned into something worthwhile . After its early mysticism statist socialist have become such an animal. A Conservative sees people as wells . Things of endless depth . He is in short a romantic.
I think it is the romantic that David Cameron offends . Conservatives have been out of power for along time and while they have been events have conspired to bring that romantic core to the surface . As the new Labour project drained of any vison it ever had we increasingly saw ourselves as chalices of truth. An embattled remainder …“free, and to none accountable, preferring hard liberty before the easy yoke of servile pomp.".Blair claimed he saw a man by a Sierra and realised every thing the Labour party had stood for was wrong . An inauspicious start but it became worse. Born in opportunism he was not long wearing his new clothes . Pivotally , Frank Field was defeated in his astonishingly rightist agenda by the Party . This party were the slime left when the idealistic lefts after Blackpool and that slime congealed about one man . Gordon Brown.. From then on Blair had to either risk everything or go along for the ride . We all know which way he went . He smiled like a ballroom dancer whose legs have gone beneath him but he just keeps pretending its all marvellous. Politics became a matter of hiding taxes , bribing dependants , misleading the voter and above it all always that smile. Now as the myth of economic competence collapses the Union buckles and the bribed cannot be bribed any more there is none of the body left . Only , like the Cheshire cat .. a pointlessly lingering sickening pleading smile.
You want to smash it down his throat , you want revenge and yet what do we get .We get another rather well presented compromiser. We know that Cameron cannot promise tax cuts as he would lose the public service vote , now too swollen to ignore. We know he shouldn’t nail down policy when the best attack is to keep the focus on Brown’s record. We know he must seek rapprochement with the centre and we also know we aren’t going to like it much .
In the past one would have smirked at the cynicism and kept our council but we have become idealists . The romantic that was always in the gut has crawled to the throat thrown out a howl; of disgust a at what has been done to the country , the family , the people.
I believe that much of the hatred directed at David Cameron from the right is in fact a hatred of the world, made by Blair .What hideous irony if the true architect of the decline were to benefit from a rage whose beginnings , he was responsible for.The real heart of evil the pale twitching maggot in the centre of the stinking fruit . GORDON BROWN.
Help the party. Losing is unthinkable
Hmmmm got a bit carried away there …oops
JFC Mr Mania you must have callouses on your fingers.
If Cameron were to appear on the news at ten in a black uniform announcing the abolition of all taxes, petrol at 10pence a gallon guns for all white males and placing a 100 grand bounty on the head of every illegal immigrant/asylum seeker i still wouldn't vote for the slap headed twat.
Now if I did that could I rely on your vote?
Crikey, quite the post N.
On Blair's messianic belief in himself, has he ever been to Jerusalem? I worry he would be a prime candidate for the noted syndrome named after the City of David, including the following "Jerusalem syndrome imposed on a previous psychotic illness. This refers to individuals already diagnosed as having a psychotic illness before their visit to Jerusalem. They have typically gone to the city because of the influence of delusional religious ideas, often with a goal or mission in mind which they believe needs to be completed on arrival or during their stay. For example, an affected person may believe himself to be an important historical religious figure, or may be influenced by important religious ideas or concepts (such as causing the coming of the Messiah or the second coming of Christ)".
PHITCH- Oh dear oh dear well perhaps another few paragraphs and you`ll come round .....ok ok just kidding.
Thought you were out C. I think that condition is far more common than you might imagine. It certainly comes on during a premiership .The tedious business of benefits and taxes become beneath them . They want to strut about the world playing at god.Lets admit it ,her Thatcherness wasnot immune to the affect.
As I was saying I think Blair is a hollow man who is mostly counting his lecture sovs.He is nothing now . Brown is the enemy
Wow, the monkey's been at the typewriter again, another magnum opus is delivered
Actually, Mr Mania, I come not to bury... but to make a broadly supportive point, by way of a parallel. Before Montgomery arrived in the desert there had been a series of apparently competent commanders, who'd had mixed fortunes, but no decisive breakthrough. Montgomery, a very flawed individual and by no means everyone's cup of tea, put a lot of noses out of joint and overhauled everything, in great detail. He then launched his onslaught, with a hitherto unprecedented thoroughness of planning and determination, and prevailed.
He was still despised, or at least held in great suspicion by many.
We have to accept that waves of Hagues and IDSs and even Howard (who ran a surprisingly blunt, rightish, determined campaign), have met with mixed fortunes, not to say abject failure by at least one rather important criterion.
And now we need a Montgomery. We can accept in advance (if it matters) that we may not like him. Dislike may or may not be a luxury we can afford to indulge.
OT, and to elevate our gaze, further to December's hall-of-fame "arts" thread you might want to catch the 2nd showing of BBC4's The Art of Eternity at 11:30 tonite.
The 1st showing has just finished, it was quite good.
Newmania, I said that if UKIP is running where I can vote, I will vote for them. If they are not, and the BNP is running, I will vote for them. I am not going to waste my vote by not voting. I am going to use it to thrash the Conservatives, and thousands - perhaps tens of thousands - of others intend to do the same. Nothing against Mrs Newmania. And absolutely nothing to do with any affection for the far left (or even medium left.) There is no chance that the BNP will win, but any electoral success will deliver a slap in the face to David Cameron and the Socialists, too. (Although I do take your point that Cameron simply cannot be too candid just now. Unlike PHitch, if he eventually comes up with a programme I like, and I believe him - that's a big "if" - I'll vote Tory.)
I see that people on this thread agree with me that Blair is not a balanced individual.
I agree with Stamboul Tory when he says Blair is not interested in politics. What drives him is being on the stage. As a war leader, he is David Niven, delivering messages to American TV cameras in the Rose Garden in a clipped English accent. I am sure it pains he that he cannot meet George Bush wearing an RAF Wing Commander's uniform.
To British chavs, he is TV couch boy, being interviewed by Richard and Judy or Des O'Connor, employing Mockney. In Parliament, as Prime Minister, he uses just a normal accent. So versatile!!! Such a wide range of characters!
And he likes costumes and props. Remember, oh so long ago, when he first won and he rode a bicycle in Amsterdam for a few metres? A true "European" prime minister! Where is that bicycle now, one wonders? He never rode it again.
And he had a floor-length astrakhan coat made for swanking around in Moscow with Putin. (I would be surprised if he didn't have a Dr Zhivago fur hat made at the same time.) Alastair Campbell vetoed the coat, probably pulling it out of the suitcase and prying it out of Tony's grasping fingers.
The much-too-tight jeans for going to Mr Bush's ranch in. Such stupidity. How does he think ranchers get up on their horses with jeans like that? Such an aspirational, vacuous little poseur. I don't think he ever got asked back to the ranch.
I do not believe he has a grasp of British affairs at all. Britain is a prop. The British are a prop. For the movie Anthony Lynton Blair is starring in.
That was fascinating about Jerusalem, Croydonian. Blair must have found it rather unsettling when Benedict was named Pope, instead of the cardinals humbly tapping the door of No 10.
Good story Nick, although I must admit he is incredibly irritating at times.
Cameron is no Montgomerey.
As to Mr Mania well he is in Insurance and therefore a little bit shadey and not to be trusted.
I on the other hand, Despite having been in prison am a model of moral rectitude.
I don't know about cherie. She may be as mad as Mrs Rochester howling in the attic, or she may be a swot - I don't think she is that intelligent - who got lucky getting into the right chambers and meeting the future prime minister. Either way, she's a greedy, vulgar fishwife.
It suprise me if blair has an ear implant that allows him to waft around to his own sound track , probably plays the theme tune to Rocky 1 when he walks out onto a stage, that or eye of the tiger.
verity have you seen that disgusting alan b'stard mickey take of cherie? its very funny
V said -To British chavs, he is TV couch boy, being interviewed by Richard and Judy or Des O'Connor, employing Mockney
Oh god yes it is too horrible .He also uses it for the ...punch line.. (hold with tongs).. of his jokes.Vile vile vile
Sorry about three in a row, but I've just remembered something else. Didn't he have his office, or his suite, in No 10 arranged like the President's office in the tv series The West Wing? I'm sure I read that he did.
He wanted to make his office into a stage set. He's bonkers.
I agree PHITCH you are a very moral person.Knowing that this goodness beats whithin I feel certain that in the quiet confessional of the voting booth you will find your cross irresistably drawn to the Conservative box.
I was rather hoping to persuade you to get out and do some campaiging actually ...Of course some of the rhetoric might need a little smoothing over uniform announcing the abolition of all taxes, petrol at 10pence a gallon guns for all white males and placing a 100 grand bounty on the head of every illegal immigrant/asylum seeker i still wouldn't vote for the slap headed twat...........
yes its a bit of a work in progress
Hitch 10:27 you may be right on all counts for all I know but time will tell! Cameron will win or lose; Mania will become mayor, or explode at his typewriter; and who knows what you will do, but I haven't really recovered yet from the grenade at no.9
shrapnel and a dicky ticker eh Drew?
yes, a pretty pathetic case I know but there's the not-unattractive scar, remember, so whenever bunty returns (or indeed evelyn; I reckon was in there) I shall be OK
I have met Cherie, in court and at a drinks reception. She is awful in the extremet, bitter, twisted. An evil version of Darth Vader.
She has that coldness to her that one can feel immidiately. She is a nasty little lefty who has overcome 'her' principles to want wealth and fame; like all socialits do.
I would not rule out a Hilary run from her. She must hate it that her thick husband has been more succesful than her.
If the big man with the beard is testing us, I do hope that Blair is the last of the 10 plagues and not the first....
CU - can you imagine the Blairina on the campaign trail? Noo, straight to the Lords for her I think.
We think it laughable, she would not see this. Obsessed with her own greatness.
we had an earlier thread, didn't we, on whether the ghastly duo would split when he quits? V thought this was out of the question: I'm not so sure
Brlliant Plagues line C ..fresh or from your capacious cellar?
Nice thread guys. N - that was poetic. The TB episode is unbelievable. I'm rattling Socialist cages at the moment telling them that the only way that Brown will get in is if they get *obliterated* in the May local elections. You can tell that some are tempted to mutiny. It's brilliant fun for all the family.
Onto important matters, I thought it was well known that only the Indian was gay.
no doubt if they were still in business David cameron would have them all on the A list until he found out that they liked girls
Nick Drew - No, Cherie won't split, except her waistband from being such a greedy eater. She cannot earn anything like he can get. Once she's no longer the wife of the man playing the role of British Prime Minister, she has no future alone. She could go back to the bar with her gruesomely named Matrix Chambers and let highly intelligent and articulate Indian barristers make her quite a bit of money of the the "Human Rights Act" her husband imposed on Britain, which has had human rights longer than any other country, without the assistance of the French.
But I think she has developed a leftie's craving for hanging with the rich and famous and not having to get up and do a job. She's stick with Emily.
Again, although she is not the brightest light in the harbour, she knows she is not popular enough to take a run at Downing St herself. I think, being brighter than Tony, which isn't a lot, she probably knows the damage he has done and is probably knows that the British voter is only too aware of it.
Not a chance that she'll run. She'll push Dumbo, Jr - aka Euan - and try to get him into a prestigious DC job that is easy enough for him to do without getting the sack.
I am not closing my mind to the notion that they will start a Blair Consultancy Group in DC for assisting American companies with EU regulations, etc.
Will Blair go in June? I honestly do not think so.
City Unslicker, thank you for the inside peek at Cherie, who seems to be everything I thought. She has always looked like a nasty piece of work. And let us not forget, Tone 'n' the Blairina were keen CND marchers before they saw their future on the world stage. What a pair of hypocritical fantasists. It's amazing what you can pull off when you believe in yourself with blind sincerity.
Aha a chance to rival CU ..well not really , but my brother taught Euan Blair for a year at the Oratory. Unfortunately I have no intriguing anecdote to relate but , between us ,we are building up the happy Blair family.
He did report him to be not noticably gifted......
Newmania - How long are you going to use the "my brother taught Euan at the Oratory but I don't have any anecdotes" card? Either come up with an anecdote or stop the hell mentioning it.
Mr Drew! Evelyn just ADORES you. You are a little on the mature side for my tastes..
If by mature you mean a raddled old roue with more animation in his pantomimic syrup than his underpants , I would agree.
The intense aroma of orange water and foundation is another challenge .
dammit that newmania personator is loose again
the mania I met was civility itself, quite the gentilhomme
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