More meme-ery
I’ve been tagged by new blogger on the block Justin Hinchcliffe to do the five things meme. Can’t say I’m keen on these things, but it is probably bad karma not to play ball, plus he’s a friend of David A. And CityUnslicker has just tagged me as he’s a malignant so and so.
So, five thrilling little known facts about your host:
1 – Eating anything with ginger in it gives me insomnia
2 – I can date any political map of the world from the last 200 or so years to within five years.
3 – About once a year I grow a beard. For no good reason.
4 – I have won at Trivial Pursuit. In the French version.
5 – I quite like blogging.
And I'm tagging Akie Abe, the wife of the Japanese Prime Minisiter, who engages in a little light blogging at
So, five thrilling little known facts about your host:
1 – Eating anything with ginger in it gives me insomnia
2 – I can date any political map of the world from the last 200 or so years to within five years.
3 – About once a year I grow a beard. For no good reason.
4 – I have won at Trivial Pursuit. In the French version.
5 – I quite like blogging.
And I'm tagging Akie Abe, the wife of the Japanese Prime Minisiter, who engages in a little light blogging at
Labels: Blogging about blogging
.Justin Hinchliffe is doing fantastic work in our neighbouring Borough. I have high hopes for him.
I didn`t know you were chums .
N - I don't, but we both know David A. I hear he is indefatigable, so good for him.
I am full of admiration for point no. 4. (Assuming you did it all in French, of course.)
I was once watching the French version of The Weakest Link (she's not nearly mean enough; the French have this politesse bred into their bones)and one of the contestants was a Scot. He did very well. I think he lasted into the final two. I had noticed a difference in his accent, and before he left the camera, she said something along the lines of, "I think you're not French, are you?.
V - Yup, sure did. The estranged Mme C was all for getting me to go on 'Questions pour un champion', but I was not to be persuaded. My mother competes in a French scrabble league, which is quite impressive.
Interesting your cartographic prowess. A difficult challenge that. I reckon I could go back hundreds of years and do well, but last 100 has seen so much change so often that it becomes very tricky indeed.
If bored next month you could do this: exciting trip
CU - that's where having a sizeable collection of antique / vintage atlases comes in handy....
And with that, I'm off out for a bit.
Blamerbell tagged you too. You are very popular.
As His Memeness has gone out for a bit, I am going to sneak this question in: Does anyone know whether T Blair really has a dickey ticker or not?
I want to know if this was just another lie to get sympathy. If he does, why the hell hasn't he had another 'episode' by? Surely he should have had some kind of incident by now? How long are we supposed to hang around waiting, racing to the computer every morning, eager digits clicking on our home page which, I am guessing for most people here, is a newspaper, hoping for some good news?
For example, when his plane overshot the runway in Florida, surely someone with a dickey ticker would have had contractions or something? But ohhhhhhh, no! I do not believe this heart story.
no evidence, but I think he has only a monir condition at worst. All blown out of proportion by 24 hr media, a nice peice of spinninh and NuLab's own brew of health and safety excess.
V, CU, I am with both of you on this. It was only 'revealed' on one of those tornado days when the spin is so intense it can lift whole houses off the ground.
But... an extremely useful deus ex machina from that day forth, eg when he needs to pull an 'Ernest Saunders' defence.
Another OT qn: do you reckon (as some do) that he will ditch the witch? or vice versa? I have sort of assumed they've entered a pact to loot and pillage jointly and severally.
A final qn in this short series of 3 - is he about to 'pope'?
Ditch the witch? No not even he, where is the evidence for this. They are a good, sorry, evil team.
As for pope - very much my feeling. He has clearly 'hid' it for so long. I nearly wrote a post on what Cherie must have thought ot see him light candles in a synagogue in Israel on one of his recent jaunts..
Where have you heard he's considering a witch ditch? This broad knows too much, believe me. He will not be ditching her.
And if she ditches him, she would be well-advised not to take any solitary walks in the country. But she won't. Her only monetary value is being the wife of Blair.
I have never believed the fiction (it should not be necessary to prefix any speculation about Blair by writing 'the fiction'; we should take it for granted that the writer intends it)that he is attracted to the Church of Rome. It's patently phony.
He's not a spiritual man; not a religious man; not a profound man. It's all smoke and mirrors. Like his pretended interest in the koran and his absolutely absurd statement that he has read it. It's not like the Bible. A book with continuation. It's a collection of incidents, not on a time line, but random, and thoughts and rules and incidents. Even islamics can't "read" the koran without help from an imam. It makes no sense as a book you sit down and read. What a liar!
No, he's not going to convert to Rome because that would occasion acknowledging that there was someone on this earth, the Pope, more important than T Blair.
He's a liar.
Indeed, a liar and a fantasist.
Also, as of quite soon, a young-ish man at a loose end, unlikely to be ushered into one of the jobs he must have dreamed of a few years ago (elected Pres of Eu, e.g.).
Setting aside the Next-5-Years-in-the-Chokey scenario (just for a minute, v!) one could envisage him making some sort of step-change. Particularly as a fantasist - think Jeffrey Archer.
We may not need to speculate much longer... (and, yes, I agree he would dearly like to cling on, but he seems to have settled for a bloody ABG campaign instead)
Yes, Nick Drew- I've said from day one that he is a fantasist. Which is a psychosis. I agree that his first dream of glory was the appointed presidency of the EUSSR. He saw himself living in a presidential palace, with his very own Air Force One, just like the (real, and elected) president of the United States. Carpeted corridors of power, being saluted by guards in over-elaborate uniforms - why! he may have donned a uniform, despite never having served, himself! With medals! And taken salutes!
Then that went out the window and they thought they would clean up on the US lecture circuit, especially if endorsed by the Bush family. I think that ambition is also curdling. I may be wrong, but I don't think it's going to work out. I think President Bush has used Blair as camouflage all along. He is a much cannier politician than Blair, and he's a helluva lot better poker player. Yoh, Blair!
Next up, I think maybe capitalising on the goodwill he still enjoys in some sectors of the US, he will set up a consultancy - probably specialising in EU trade issues, about which he knows nothing. Although he's already announced that he wouldn't accept a lordship (oh, pulleeeze!), he will, so he can swank around in the US. "Lord Blair will see you now," and Tony bounces out of his office and says, "Hi! I'm Tony!" in his David Niven accent, which he uses in America.
Whatever he does next, I certainly wish him ill. And I'm sorry to read that you don't really think he has a heart condition.
Croydonian - hey sweetie, I got tagged by raincoaster and had to declare wierd things which was a bit more um.. interesting generally, as tags go i thought. And I'm supposed to tag 6 other people so hey, consider yourself tagged for the wierd confessions!
PS: impressed with the french.
I will have a mull...
How self-congratulatory and boring! All this tagging is just too precious.
Philipa, who claims to be an academic, who can't spell weird, doesn't understand why we capitalise nouns, and claims to have been an academic in the US, has twice confused the two major wars of the United States: the War of Independence, and the War between The States. She went back to her same original mistake even after it had been kindly pointed out to her by me.
She had apparently lived in Atlanta yet didn't know it had been burned down in the Civil War. Earth to Philipa. The biggest event in the history of Atlanta?
Philipa, an academic, soi-disant who can't spell and can't capitalise and thought she had chosen a safe place of refuge pretending she had lived in Atlanta. You may have lived briefly in Atlanta, but you are no academic ... and then your visa was up.
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