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Common sense takes the day off

Or, as I have remarked before, continues its round the world cruise in a first class cabin, pausing only to harass room service, rather than going back to work.

Anyway, way back lost in the mists of time I noted the following:

"In possibly the silliest proposal by any government in living memory, the Dutch Health Ministry is proposing to ban smoking in the nation's infamous cannabis 'coffee' shops"....One Dutch MP noted that this "would be the same as banning alcohol in pubs".

And yea, it has come to pass. Ish.

"On Monday the owner of a coffee-shop of Amsterdam was caught smoking a joint mixed with tobacco in his bar. This detail did not escape a patrolling police officer, who fined him - not for the spliff itself, still tolerated [under Dutch law], but because of the tobacco, outlawed since July 1. There would not have been a fine if the contravener had rolled a pure grass or hashish joint".

There's little point in re-hashing the pro / con arguments again, but would those who value their lungs etc rather breathe in ambient tobacco smoke, or ambient dope smoke?

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Blogger Old BE said... 9:44 am

little point in re-hashing

ho ho ho

Doesn't the popular consensus hold that ganja smoke is worse for cancer than the brown 'erb?  

Blogger Croydonian said... 10:44 am

Opinions differ, but eating organic broccoli is propably better for you.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 11:08 am

The whole point is that the vast majority of joints are rolled with tobacco. So much for the holier-than-thou hippies "you have tobacco". (75% of us don't.) No, you have tobacco. And as for "YOU have alcohol", are we really expected to believe that all drug-users are teetotal saints?

Yes we are.  

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