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Bosses against contracts of employment

Or they do things differently in [...] part 57:

"Medef will demand the end of golden parachutes". MEDEF is the Gallic CBI, to all intents and purposes.

What the French get up to is their business, although I doubt the PDG in the boulevard will be very keen on the idea. Some of the things Mme Parisot does not like include indemnities for early termination of contracts and the exercise of stock options after termination.

Adjusting my cynical hat to a suitably rakish angle what will actually come to pass if this scheme comes to fruition is that head honchos of French companies will demand ever larger payments before they will sign on the line and / or be very small c conservative in their corporate strategy.

However, in the greatest outbreak of hubris since Brown decided to lecture American hedge fund managers, "Laurence Parisot indicated that in the months to come she will call a meeting of her G8 employers' counterparts in order “to convince them” of her proposals".

A mad world, my masters.

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