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Breaking news: Tories pledge annual tax cuts

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However, before there is an outbreak of jitterbugging on the public highway, it is our Canadian namesakes.
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Anonymous Anonymous said... 10:35 am

Read my lips..

However, reading Instanbultory's blog I learned that Croydon is "a hotbed of almost unimaginable sin and depravity"

Croydonian, does the "unimaginable sin and depravity" in Croydon exist because of or despite of your efforts?  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 10:42 am

C is the depraver in chief and is often to be found strutting down the high street in Rocky Horror show attire defiling virgins and so on. There is no end to his Mephistophelean licentiousness and he can lick his eyebrows with his black lizard tongue .

Other than that “A pretty good bloke actually”  

Blogger Croydonian said... 10:51 am

C - Must say I have not been aiming to either increase or decrease Croydon's levels of sin and depravity. I doubt I could do much to influence it either way.

N - "He never smiles, his mouth merely twists
The breath in my lungs feels clinging and thick
But I know his name, he's called Mr. C".

(With apologies....)  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 10:57 am

Did Mr Harper say what pragrams he'll be cutting? Hand-outs to unmarried moms? Bilingual pragrams (sic) for areas with only a few Frenchies, only 2 of whom don't parly anglais? Or will he do the usual thing about unspecified efficiency savings?


Anonymous Anonymous said... 10:58 am

dancing with Mr.C ..brilliant !!!  

Blogger Croydonian said... 11:14 am

SS - "We will do this every year: pay down debt, achieve interest savings and apply those savings to personal income-tax reductions," Jim Flaherty, the Finance Minister, said in describing the government's "tax-back" guarantee".

N - I was a bit chuffed with that too....  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 11:59 am


Now that I learned what Croydon has to offer, i.e. Mephistophelean licentiousness, unimaginable sin and depravity, Rocky Horror shows and defilement of virgins in its high street, I guess I will have to come to Croydon next time on my trip to London for having a bit of fun provided Cranmer has no objections.  

Blogger Croydonian said... 12:17 pm


I cannot promise you a tour that takes in all of the dens of iniquity, but I'll certainly stand you a drink or two should you find yourself in these parts.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 1:07 pm

Is Croydon another name for Scotton Pinkney or Sodom and Gomorrah?  

Blogger The Hitch said... 1:45 pm

Scotton Pinkey is a fine place to live , apart from the murders.  

Blogger Croydonian said... 1:46 pm

Vikki - Nope. Although it is twinned with Arnhem.

The name might stem from Anglo-Saxon croh denu - crocus valley, or old French croi dune - chalk hill. fascinating, eh?  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 2:00 pm

What did they do in Gomorrah ?  

Blogger The Hitch said... 2:00 pm

Don't know if you get the holymoly mailout?
There is a kate moss Croydon story in the latest one.
She claims to have lost her virginity on a Caribbean beach, apparently the reality is she lost it on a tombstone in Croydon cemetery
How romantic.  

Blogger The Hitch said... 2:01 pm

Don't know if you get the holymoly mailout?
There is a kate moss Croydon story in the latest one.
She claims to have lost her virginity on a Caribbean beach, apparently the reality is she lost it on a tombstone in Croydon cemetery
How romantic.  

Blogger The Hitch said... 2:01 pm

Don't know if you get the holymoly mailout?
There is a kate moss Croydon story in the latest one.
She claims to have lost her virginity on a Caribbean beach, apparently the reality is she lost it on a tombstone in Croydon cemetery
How romantic.  

Blogger Croydonian said... 2:10 pm

Opinions differ, and there are some who argue that the sins of S&G were all about a lack of 'social justice' in those municipalities rather than a predeliction for an uncompromisingly direct version of Greek practices.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 2:17 pm

I lovethe notion of jitterbugging on the public highway! So semi-louche!  

Blogger Croydonian said... 2:36 pm

PH - I hadn't seen that. Well x3. Still, I suppose she has a public image to protect.

V - seemed more graphic than 'dancing in the street'....  

Blogger Serf said... 3:12 pm

No sharing the proceeds of growth with the parasites there huh.  

Blogger Praguetory said... 3:20 pm

C - I'm in need of counselling re Greg Clark. Can I skype you at some stage?  

Blogger Croydonian said... 3:24 pm

PT - Sure. I think we might need a victim support group...  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 4:28 pm

Returning to snowy Canada, what will he pay off the interest with?
How indebted is Canada? (Ahma off to find out.)

No interest in tulipy Holland? Even when 2 animal defenders got elected? An amusing novelty.  

Blogger Croydonian said... 10:51 am

S - I'll be interested in your findings.

I've mulled a bit on the Nederlanders, and bunny huggers notwithstanding, I do not think there is enough material to play with.  

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