The 1909 Hansard Trawl - featuring the Antarctic, the balance of trade and Argentina
A slow day, this one.
Tony Benn's ancestor all for currying favour with Buenos Aires:
Lucky old Akers. If anyone I know gets the nod for next year, bring me back a pair of steerhide boots (brown, 9 1/2) and a decent bottle of Malbec please.
Some figures:
I would say we were pretty well at the zenith of our power in 1909, with imbalance of trade no more of problem then than now.
The British Antarctic Expedition:
Tony Benn's ancestor all for currying favour with Buenos Aires:
Mr. WEDGWOOD BENN asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has appointed a British Commissioner for the Argentine Centenary Exhibition of 1910; if so, who has been selected; and what money will be put at his disposal for ensuring a display of British products commensurate with the importance of our commerce with the Republic?
Sir E. GREY Mr. C. E. Akers has been appointed British Commissioner for the Argentina Exhibition, 1910. He will proceed to Argentina in the course of the next few days, and will furnish His Majesty's Government with a report. I am not in a position to state the amount of the sum to be put at his disposal. I understand that the Board of Trade have been in communication with the Treasury on the subject.
Lucky old Akers. If anyone I know gets the nod for next year, bring me back a pair of steerhide boots (brown, 9 1/2) and a decent bottle of Malbec please.
Some figures:
And here they are
Mr Essex asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will give the figures of exports and imports from and to the United Kingdom for each of the last ten years, inclusive and exclusive of gold and bullion?
I would say we were pretty well at the zenith of our power in 1909, with imbalance of trade no more of problem then than now.
The British Antarctic Expedition:
Mr. BARNARD asked the First Lord of the Admiralty, in reference to the stopping of the pay of a petty officer lent by the Government to the Shackleton expedition, if he will say what happened in the case of the "Discovery" expedition; how many men were lent by the Admiralty for that expedition; were they in receipt of their full pay during the expedition; was the "Discovery" expedition private as in the case of the Shackleton expedition; and, if the "Discovery" men received their full pay from the Admiralty, why in the present case has it been withheld?
Mr. McKENNA In the case of the Antarctic expedition of 1907 no application was made to the Admiralty for the services of Naval officers or men. The petty officer in question was not applied for, but he voluntarily asked for his discharge from the Navy in order to join the expedition, and was allowed to remain on the books of the Navy during his absence only in consideration of his excellent record and his expressed desire not to sever his connection with the Naval service entirely.Not exactly generous of the Admiralty, all things considered.
Labels: a thousand years ago, Parliament
mbalance of trade no more of problem then than now
What about ownership of British industry?
Was this about the time when Argentina was the fourth largest economy, with living standards on a par with Britain's?
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