Straw man o' the day
As set up by Baron Mandelson, of Foy in the county of Herefordshire and Hartlepool in the county of Durham. Or Peter to his friends.
"We have too often acted as if we have nothing to learn from the rest of Europe, or gain from closer European co-operation," explained Lord Mandelson. "After the crunch, that attitude is simply no longer credible."No matter how badly a downturn might tempt us to think and act in national silos, the next five years will in fact demand an even greater Europeanism from us."
The warning followed gains from eurosceptic parties in the European Parliament elections last weekend".
Presumably he means the Tory party and UKIP, given that No2Eu etc did not exactly set the Thames, or come to that the Tyne, on fire. Both parties are committed to free trade, so what is he playing at?
Labels: EU fun and games, free trade
Rate Mandelson's credibility from 0 to 10.
Perhaps he was talking as an agent of the Globalist Elite? The EU federalist agenda goes on regardless of the puppets we see in government.
Mandleson is an agent of Bilderberg.
Co-operation is wildly popular, it is integration that is not.
The reason may be less mysterious. As a serving or ex-Commissioner they are obligated to always be positive about our EU overlords...or else they can be stripped of the gold-plated pension.
Maybe he's saving up for a duck house (no sniggering at the back there).
If nothiong else, Mandelson is a constant source of entertainment.
I trust that our 'national silos' have their missiles primed, ready, and pointing at *ahem* well, the Traditional Enemy (if it were up to me)
or have I got the wrong end of the stick ?
Nick - one can never be too careful with La France perfide.
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