More than one in five Britons is an idiot
And I have the proof.
Asked in a Eurobarometer poll whether 'The situation which prevailed in Central and Eastern European countries before 1989 was better than today’s one', some 21% of my compatriots agreed. Mind you, of the pre '89 democracies, it is Cyprus that worries me - some 30% agree with that statement . Not being terribly au fait with the politics of Cyprus, I have found that a Communist Party - the Progressive Party of Working People - fared best in the last Cypriot election. In Central / Eastern Europe, Hungary sees a simple majority agreeing that things were better then. Pretty alarming, frankly.
Meanwhile, all credit to the Swedes and the Finns, with 82% and 84% respectively disagreeing.
More later, maybe.
Asked in a Eurobarometer poll whether 'The situation which prevailed in Central and Eastern European countries before 1989 was better than today’s one', some 21% of my compatriots agreed. Mind you, of the pre '89 democracies, it is Cyprus that worries me - some 30% agree with that statement . Not being terribly au fait with the politics of Cyprus, I have found that a Communist Party - the Progressive Party of Working People - fared best in the last Cypriot election. In Central / Eastern Europe, Hungary sees a simple majority agreeing that things were better then. Pretty alarming, frankly.
Meanwhile, all credit to the Swedes and the Finns, with 82% and 84% respectively disagreeing.
More later, maybe.
Labels: EU fun and games, Eurobarometer, idiots
More than 1 in 5 Britons want to live on hand-outs and they will keep voting for whoever promises to pay the the most cash.
Not a surprising outcome really; it shows how well the Labour plan of creating a client state has worked.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Sounds like a good plan, if you are of low ability.
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Horribly true, alas.
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