Brown publicising one of his books on the No 10 site
Yes he is, it is his book on 'Courage', available for a quid or so from your nearest remainder shop.

Now I am not going to run the risk of putting money in his sporran by buying it, but care of the extract on Aung San Suu Kyi, we now get a sense of his literary style, which is very much famous people who have met me. He uses the first person pronoun 10 times in four paragraphs.
Dizzy has pointed out that at least there is no link to Amazon or wherever that one might buy the book, but being of a cynical bent I refuse to believer that sales considerations did not enter into the thoughts of whichever of his homunculi edited the page. Mrs Brown is also plugging the book, indirectly, via her twitter feed too (qv). Elsewhere she has tweeted the following: 'Free Burma’s dignified Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi !!!'. Nice use of exclamation marks, eh?
While I agree with her sentiments, tweeting thus is even less likely to succeed in its aim than all of those inbox clogging e-mails asking the Taliban to stop being beastly of a few years back back.

Now I am not going to run the risk of putting money in his sporran by buying it, but care of the extract on Aung San Suu Kyi, we now get a sense of his literary style, which is very much famous people who have met me. He uses the first person pronoun 10 times in four paragraphs.
Dizzy has pointed out that at least there is no link to Amazon or wherever that one might buy the book, but being of a cynical bent I refuse to believer that sales considerations did not enter into the thoughts of whichever of his homunculi edited the page. Mrs Brown is also plugging the book, indirectly, via her twitter feed too (qv). Elsewhere she has tweeted the following: 'Free Burma’s dignified Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi !!!'. Nice use of exclamation marks, eh?
While I agree with her sentiments, tweeting thus is even less likely to succeed in its aim than all of those inbox clogging e-mails asking the Taliban to stop being beastly of a few years back back.
One exclamation mark is acceptable, two are juvenile, three are bats in the attic!!!!
GOM - Not sure even one is acceptable but then I'm a bit of a GOM meself.
Going cheap, very cheap.
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