Failing Democracy 101
(Pauses to check that the good folk over at An All Seeing Eye have not beaten me to this one, ASE and meself both being fans of the Croatian Times).
If anyone thought that some of the nonsense our MPs have been spouting about 'honest mistakes' and so forth was pushing the envelope for credibility, note this:
"Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) member Emil Grgec has manipulated a local election list in Oroslavje in Krapina-Zagorje county. [He] confessed in court yesterday that he had put the names of fictitious and death people on the list in April, Hina news agency has reported...Grgec claimed he was unaware that what he had done was a criminal act and apologised. He added he had thought no one would notice anything".
Shades of Bart Simpson: 'I didn't do it, no one saw me do it, there's no way you can prove anything!'
If anyone thought that some of the nonsense our MPs have been spouting about 'honest mistakes' and so forth was pushing the envelope for credibility, note this:
"Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) member Emil Grgec has manipulated a local election list in Oroslavje in Krapina-Zagorje county. [He] confessed in court yesterday that he had put the names of fictitious and death people on the list in April, Hina news agency has reported...Grgec claimed he was unaware that what he had done was a criminal act and apologised. He added he had thought no one would notice anything".
Shades of Bart Simpson: 'I didn't do it, no one saw me do it, there's no way you can prove anything!'
Curses...beaten to a good'un. Would have had that. Nice one.
Maybe we should do a timeshare - one of us takes Monday, Wednesday & Friday and the other Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.....
I could do Sunday but I can sometimes be a tad offensive, so maybe not.
Ah well, the thought was there.
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