Can't Brown get anything right?
Just spotted this in the transcript of his speech about the Miracle on the Med (not that he called it that):
"Naturally I agreed to do it and I spent some time writing the lecture. It was only at the last minute, literally a day or two before, when I was making arrangements to get to the Hilton Hotel that I discovered it was not the Hilton Hotel in London where I was to speak, but the Hilton Hotel in Tel Aviv".
Either he (or rather his flunkeys) could not find Brown's backside with the aid of both hands, a bank of klieg lights and shouted out instructions, or this is the lamest attempt of humour this year.
"Naturally I agreed to do it and I spent some time writing the lecture. It was only at the last minute, literally a day or two before, when I was making arrangements to get to the Hilton Hotel that I discovered it was not the Hilton Hotel in London where I was to speak, but the Hilton Hotel in Tel Aviv".
Either he (or rather his flunkeys) could not find Brown's backside with the aid of both hands, a bank of klieg lights and shouted out instructions, or this is the lamest attempt of humour this year.
Of course the rumours are that in the past men *have* been able to find their way to Brown's arse with two hands and shouted instructions.
I'm sure it isn't true.
Of course he can get nothing right!
He should try to do the opposite to what he wishes to do, and it will work out ok.
One would have thought that the formerly slick Nulab machine could have carried Brown through as it did Blair for many years. The Labour rot is obviously systemic, from top to bottom. I almost feel sorry for Brown, such a huge loser leading a broken party.
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