A nation of liars
In much the same way that angling makes liars of otherwise honest folk, so - it would appear - do surveys on environmental etc behaviour commissioned by Defra.
Having waded through the release and the 'research' pondering on whether to offer a terrible warning as to how we could expect to be bullied by the state in the future, I decided that a lot of the 'research' failed the Croydonian 'come off it' test.
Judge for yourselves:
"64 per cent said that they never leave their TV on standby overnight. A similar proportion never “leave their mobile charger plugged in” and half never “leave lights on in rooms when not in them". The smallest proportion, 15 per cent, said that “never throw away food”.
And just 23% fess up to leaving the tap running while brushing their teeth.
More later, perhaps.
Having waded through the release and the 'research' pondering on whether to offer a terrible warning as to how we could expect to be bullied by the state in the future, I decided that a lot of the 'research' failed the Croydonian 'come off it' test.
Judge for yourselves:
"64 per cent said that they never leave their TV on standby overnight. A similar proportion never “leave their mobile charger plugged in” and half never “leave lights on in rooms when not in them". The smallest proportion, 15 per cent, said that “never throw away food”.
And just 23% fess up to leaving the tap running while brushing their teeth.
More later, perhaps.
Are these the same people who never eat snacks and puddings but somehow manage to weigh megatons?
Seems awfully likely, does it not?
Being a semi-skint pensioner, I readily confess to not leaving the TV on standby - ever, that is quite a dangerous practice - nor the mobile charger on overnight, nor lights on unnecessarily. My dentures also ensure that the tap does not need to be on for brushing purposes! Am I odd?
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