Headlines that flatter only to deceive
Like this one from the Maritime And Coastguard Agency, which is nevertheless still my favourite quango:
"'Playing Around' : an apology".
Sounds like it could be amusing, does it not? Alas they are apologising to the owner of a yacht of that name. Sigh.
"'Playing Around' : an apology".
Sounds like it could be amusing, does it not? Alas they are apologising to the owner of a yacht of that name. Sigh.
Labels: Odd press releases, Quangos
Along the same lines, there is a "Breaking News" section of the magazine Fortean Times, with wonderful headlines.
The online version actually has links:
Belgian military deployed to combat caterpillars
Blow torches on caterpillars? That's an alternative to sledge hammers and walnuts is it?
Don't draw attention to their work, Ian: all the greenies will hear and be up in arms. Then they will go to the forest in Belgium and put a stop to the killing. Maybe by hugging the caterpillars. Hang on...
Last year the Burton Daily Mail had the headline "Mass Murderer Shot Dead!" It was about a man shooting a rat or something that had been killing fish in his pond...really.
If you had a moment to spare you could pop over to the blogpower awards via the link on my blog and vote for me (Cats 1 and 14) as I am being crushed by the forces of reaction)
If cats are being crushed, M, I'm on my way to vote against it. Can I vote for you again?
As I reported at the time elsewhere, there was a recent headline in my local paper which read: "Crab Prick Kills Fisherman".
Several miles offshore, the poor bloke apparently spiked his finger while handling a large crab. The wound turned septic and he died before he could get back home for treatment.
You do a lot of this Quango Watching, Mr. C? Bit of spare time on the hands?
Even more on the Quangos' hands.
Less than an hour to go till the Frog resultats start coming in!
These caterpillars - do they speak Dutch or French?
Seems Belgie/Belgique is having an election theyselves today. But all I've heard about it is a patronising article in y-day's Le Monde.
Am off to consult l'Oracle. (Wikip)
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