Coming soon to a TV near you - the funeral directors' channel
If you can pick up German TV, that is. In possibly the oddest channel launch in at least a month, the Bundesverbandes Deutscher Bestatter, or German Association of Funeral Directors has decided that what Germany, and possibly Austria, needs is "a station...featuring programming on mourning, cemeteries and obituaries 24 hours a day". Yes, really.
A spokesbod hopes it will "help remove the taboos around the subject of death", but I imagine that those who feel uncomfortable with the notion are unlikely to be tuning in. And the target market, rather than goths, is the German elderly.
A spokesbod hopes it will "help remove the taboos around the subject of death", but I imagine that those who feel uncomfortable with the notion are unlikely to be tuning in. And the target market, rather than goths, is the German elderly.
Oh dear how awful. Surely the main aim of this channel is going to be advertising? If the target audience is old biddies then presumably the ads will be even worse than our dear old Gloria Hunniford and Sun Life.
"Getting on a bit? Don't worry - Baden Baden Funeral Directors will give you the best send off. Sign up now and receive this free mug" etc. etc.
I went to a family funeral in Bavaria, Germans give good funerals, unlike our pop the deceased in a Tescos trolley, one minute obit with fill in the name here here and here and a disappearing trick behind a curtain variety here. But its a bit weird have a TV channel about it though
Hmmm, I dunno. If it featured, let's say, the death of one socialist a day, and one BBC employee and one person who writes employment ads in The Grauniad, I could see it might have an entertainment value.
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