I agree, C. Looked dodgy for a few moments, but it was just the intense backlighting catching the line of her high jacket collar and looking like a white i-Pod lead. If there had been nefarious intent, then what idiot would jave fitted a woman with dark hair and a dark jacket with a bright, white wire?
And if she was?
It would suggest that someone back at Socialist party HQ was coaching her, telling her to flash the pearly whites at PPDA etc.
I agree, C. Looked dodgy for a few moments, but it was just the intense backlighting catching the line of her high jacket collar and looking like a white i-Pod lead. If there had been nefarious intent, then what idiot would jave fitted a woman with dark hair and a dark jacket with a bright, white wire?
maybe she's using one earpiece, due to some lack of imagination on the discourse ;)
they are all rubbish
we had it posted on the day of the debate.
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