Wrong man sent to Antarctica
It looks as though someone in the Government decided to follow up on my suggestion to send someone to the Antarctic, but alas it is not Dawn French.
Instead it is Malcolm 'I don't understand intellectual property law' Wicks, MP for Croydon North has been packed off to Antarctica for the week. Apparently he has been there since the 20th, so maybe he should be worried that Pravda Central has only just seen fit to report it. So, off on the world's least appretising junket, and no-one realises or cares that you have gone. Feeling unloved Malcolm?
Instead it is Malcolm 'I don't understand intellectual property law' Wicks, MP for Croydon North has been packed off to Antarctica for the week. Apparently he has been there since the 20th, so maybe he should be worried that Pravda Central has only just seen fit to report it. So, off on the world's least appretising junket, and no-one realises or cares that you have gone. Feeling unloved Malcolm?
C, you could restore his morale by conducting one of those "telephone interviews on location" he is keen to offer.
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Qn: Mr Wicks, will you be conducting any photo-opportunities with huskies?
MW: no, no, no, I leave pointless stunts like that to Mr Cameron
Qn: I'm guessing you flew here, right? and clearly this trip is utterly unnecessary, so shouldn't you have done some additional CO2 offsetting, not just dipping into the overall Government pot of offset credits as your press release indicates?
MW: no, no, no, my trip is of high scientific importance, also I needed to get away from Westminster while all this Deputy Leadership posturing is going on you've no idea how awful those people are
Qn: if I'm not mistaken, that's the sound of a husky in some distress ... how are you spending the long Antarctic nights, Mr Wicks?
MW: uhh
no doubt Ed Balls is warming his seat up for his non-return.
I despair
Nick Drew - I mean this kindly. Stick with the day job.
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