Joined up government
Supposing the government, or come to that, any organisation identifies a problem, where should the money go? To where the problem is severest, or to somewhere that "has already made excellent progress...[has] earned the right to be an exemplar..through its strong track record...and the willingness and capacity to do more".
I do not suppose that it took very long to work out what actually happens. The remarkably well-fed Louise ''Doing things sober is no way to get things done" Casey, Labour's Tsarina for its absurd 'Respect' programme is carpet bombing Leicester with £200,000m which will doubtless turn the place into a veritable Utopia. Rather amusingly Debbie 'I think we're alone now' Gibson seems to have abandoned cheesy pop music in order to become a Leicester Anti-Social Behaviour Unit. Or maybe they are different people.
I do not suppose that it took very long to work out what actually happens. The remarkably well-fed Louise ''Doing things sober is no way to get things done" Casey, Labour's Tsarina for its absurd 'Respect' programme is carpet bombing Leicester with £200,000m which will doubtless turn the place into a veritable Utopia. Rather amusingly Debbie 'I think we're alone now' Gibson seems to have abandoned cheesy pop music in order to become a Leicester Anti-Social Behaviour Unit. Or maybe they are different people.
And what a dreadful name "respect " Crime .. is the usual context. I don`t know C why can`t we just have some more good old Bobbies on the beat. Bring back Dixon of Dock Green.He used to explain things so well
" If the world of crime is a jungle then its one where the monkey is king .."
Real; quote .I am not entirely joking of course
Have you seen HG blasting the EU on Dale .I `m going to swoon if she goes on like this. We should get together and have a bronze statue of her made . I imagine she has a noble brown and a fearless eye.She would know how to sort out crime.They simply wouldn`t dare.
The only thing thugs need to respect sf the very real threat of the noose or the birch
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