Everything you've ever wanted to know about the bluefin tuna, c/o the EU
Apart from how to cook it.
Quite why the EU has decided to branch into memos on matters piscatorial is a bit of a mystery, as "The European Commission has no direct responsibility for monitoring and enforcing fisheries regulations. This role belongs to the Member States of the EU".
Rather disgustingly the page refers to Taiwan as 'Chinese Taipei'.
Quite why the EU has decided to branch into memos on matters piscatorial is a bit of a mystery, as "The European Commission has no direct responsibility for monitoring and enforcing fisheries regulations. This role belongs to the Member States of the EU".
Rather disgustingly the page refers to Taiwan as 'Chinese Taipei'.
Labels: EU fun and games, Where your money goes
C you have plumbed new depths
You angling for something? I just felt that this was a good 'place' for the post.
"ICCAT's Standing Committee on Research and Statistics makes the scientific assessments upon which the management decisions are based... According to the latest projections made public by ICCAT scientists in October 2006, current catches represent a mortality rate (amount of fish killed by fishing) which is over three times the Maximum Sustainable Yield... The key conservation measures laid down by the recovery plan are a gradual reduction in the TAC from the 2006 level of 32 000 tonnes to 25 500 tonnes by 2010..."
Clearly the management decisions are not based on scientific recommendations, or the TAC would be going down to about 10 000 tonnes. Fisheries management decisions are entirely political and short-sighted, and will doubtless result in commercial extinction for a lot of fish species in the coming few decades. Still, it's reassuring to know that 'the state of the bluefin tuna stock is a cause of great concern to the European Comission'.
I expect the commissars' lunch discussions at Comme Chez Soi are of little else....
Bloody fish botherers......
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