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Today's good cause

Yesterday PragueTory posted this on the Dewsbury thread: "I would like to pay Danny on Labour's behalf. Danny, if you are prepared to go on record as not being paid, I, a Tory, would like to pay you the equivalent of the minimum wage for the period that you worked".

We've been e-mailing about it, and he means it, and has now put up a post to that effect.

He covers the legal issues and notes that Danny is currently 13 large in the hole (he's a student) , and could do with the soi-disante 'People's Party' stumping up the expenses they owe him, and adds:

"Clearly, Labour are contractually obliged to refund his expenses, but myself and certain other Conservative activists have considered the situation and have decided that we are prepared to meet the ethical obligation that Labour has to renumerate Danny for his six days of real work. The national minimum wage for workers aged 22 and over is £5.35 per hour. I’m calculating that Danny worked 60 hours in over these six days (Danny let me know if it was more) and so will be raising a sum of £321".

I'm in, and if no-one else comes in, I'll go halves with PT on this one. Make your pledges here or at PT's place, and if you agree that this chap deserves our support, please blog this if you have a blog.
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Blogger The Hitch said... 1:59 pm

hahah most amusing if I didnt suspect Mr Dewsbury to be a commie I may even hand the kid a few bob myself.
Dewsbury is my grandmothers maiden name , hate to think I could be related to a Labour supporter.  

Blogger Rigger Mortice said... 2:19 pm

peter don't think he's necessarily a labour supporter,just a kid struck by the bright lights of the bollocks he was told.

C, can we have a way to give anonymously,I'll send a donation if you can.ie an address I can send a postal order to.

great idea well done PT.  

Blogger Croydonian said... 2:22 pm

I'll have a mull, but I've got to go out for a bit.  

Blogger Praguetory said... 3:04 pm

Even if Mr Dewsbury is a typical product of our damned university system, it is possible that he has had a road-to-Damascus moment. He certainly fought his corner on his video.

R - I'm sure me and C can sort something out.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 3:30 pm

I'm not paying the Labour Party's debts for them. I'm not paying for their manufacture of self-glorifying publicity. Let the kid take them to small claims court and get lots more coverage. The press (save Polly Toynbee) will be on his side.

Contribute? Include me out.  

Blogger The Hitch said... 3:44 pm

Well said verity

Typical workshy wants something for nothing spoonfed media student. waste of space.
If he had any nouse he could have sold those clips rather than putting them up on you tube for nothing.
I have no sympathy for him.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 3:59 pm

Let Lord Levy pony up. Or any of the other "lords" who bought their title for £1m.

The kid should play this in the media (after all, he's practically one of their own) for all it's worth and someone in the Labour Party will slip him two or three grand to go away.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 4:01 pm

For starters, he should contact Iain and ask to go on Doughty St!  

Blogger The Hitch said... 4:17 pm

Talking of titles, It seems we are about to have a Sir David and lady Beckham , I cannot think of a better example of how low this country has sunk.  

Blogger Stan Bull said... 4:38 pm

Verity makes a good suggestion at 4.01- Prague Tory is to be commended. I'll put up a mention on my blog.  

Blogger Rigger Mortice said... 4:50 pm

I know what verity's saying but when I was younger I got shat on in numerous crap jobs.

I have also taken the abuse on the doorstep and am under no illusions as to why we end up with these sycophantic liars running our political parties.Even if the kid is a conviction lefty,I'd chuck in.  

Blogger Croydonian said... 5:10 pm

Looks to me like the guy spotted an opportunity to get some experience, and then had done to him what has been done to the rest of us by the government, only with the added personal touch.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 5:56 pm

The job was billed as "work experience" and he grabbed the chance. They should have paid his expenses, though.

In any event, he has a major opportunity to take this to the MSM and make a meal of it. That he hasn't done so tells me that he isn't very bright. Anyone who was truly attuned to the media would have called the BBC instanter.  

Blogger Croydonian said... 6:12 pm

The youtube thing has been ripped from the Channel 4 News, so he hasn't done too badly. And just fancy it not being reported by the BBC, eh?  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 6:44 pm

O/T but I didn't know where else to put this, and it's fun. This fellow isn't Frank Sinatra, but he's good: "Strangers on My Flight".


Anonymous Anonymous said... 6:59 pm

I've just pledged £20 at Praguetory's site. I also wondered if someone had posted this appeal on all the Labour bloggers' sites so they can dig deep into their pockets too.  

Blogger Praguetory said... 9:09 pm

Hello again. Thanks for the debate/support etc. I like Ellee's suggestion. I've already posted at Kerron's place, but I like the idea of garnering a reaction from maybe 10 Labour bloggers. I am sure their responses will provide enough material for a post.  

Blogger The Hitch said... 9:15 pm

I like Ellee's suggestion of course you do you cheapskate its saving you cash  

Blogger Croydonian said... 9:19 pm

Peter - don't be mean.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 9:28 pm

I don’t get this .I walk past people collecting for cancer research everyday and a great many more deserving causes none of which , in truth I could care less about . You are all getting hot and bothered because someone ( no-one I know) got stiffed on a debt .?
Errm lets see how many times that’s happened to me.

You’ve all lost me here. Don`t get it at all  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 9:39 pm

Me too, Newmania. I think they think they're going to show up the Labour Party, but it will be water off a duck's back. Labour will have a bit of a larff, that's all. Meanwhile, nice, conscientious conservatives will have funded their promotion video.

I think the kid ought to fight his own battles - maybe with some guidance on how to cause the most damage. Going on Doughty St would be good. Telling his story to The Daily Mail would be good.

BTW, who owns the copyright to the video? If it doesn't already say Copyright on it, he should superimpose it poste haste. Then he can bring a case against Labour for breach of copyright if they use the video without paying him royalties.

There are all kinds of clever ways to get Labour without paying their debts for them!  

Blogger Praguetory said... 10:37 pm

Guys - whatever happens this will have a happy ending. This isn't at all about paying Labour debts.

Of course, the best endgame is for Labour to be cowed into paying. That will be one to tell the grand-children and we can tease them mercilessly for needing to be shamed into being ethical.

Second best is a filmed presentation of a large cheque to a debt-ridden student to compensate him for his stiffing by Labour.

Anyway, I'm only going to say it here, but you have no idea how rich I am. As I said at the start of this campaign I would happily pay the entire sum. It just looks better to have a group of people stumping up the readies.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 10:43 pm

Just got back in and seen Verity and Newmania's continued comments, if they don't get it, they will stay in opposition for a further ten years- its called decency.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 12:13 am

Guthrum - I won't be "staying in opposition for a further 10 years". That the Conservative Party will be in opposition for the next few years is down to Dave.

You say, "it's called decency". There are probably 10,000 very deserving, genuinely deserving, urgently deserving people who have done their best and still need some help of some kind. How you spend your own money is your own, unadulterated business, of course.

I cannot help commenting though, on how strange that, of all the people to help, you choose a media studies student. For sure he will be a little lib/lefty. I would rather see him crawl away wounded by his own kind and let that sink in.

Obviously, I understood, Prague Tory, why you were doing this. But Labour cannot be shamed. Surely you know that. They're bare-faced liars and spivs. You cannot embarrass people of that quality.

And the BBC won't give you coverage of handing him a cheque.

To each his own, of course, and we can spend our money however we damn feel like it, but - for me - and I'm not a big fan of dogs, but I would rather give my money to a dog's home than a media studies student. And I don't believe you will manage to make capital - which I am aware is what you intend - out of this.

I would have preferred to see y'all give him "back room" advice - as in copyright his work - on how to proceed and let the world see them being shafted by one of their own kind. Seeing conservatives all worked up by this will give them a laugh.

My opinion, and no offence intended.  

Blogger Praguetory said... 7:48 am

No offence taken, Verity. I agree there are many better causes, but the £1000s of pounds I've spent being a tourist are not good causes either. You may be right that Labour can not be shamed. Are they the ultimate target? No. It's Labour voters I want to shame. In certain circles in which I move it is increasingly embarassing to say that you vote Labour (and that has changed since May 2005). I want to promote this sense of shame. Look at the blogosphere. Just in the last few days Labour's Cllr Kris Brown has been hounded out, Jo Salmon has announced that she's going to start blogging more lightly and there are spats a plenty. The day when it's only Bob Piper left flying the hammer and sickle is a goal worth striving for (I'm joking).

Meanwhile the likes of Istanbultory and I are taking back the Tory brand. Us conservatives will always be labelled nasty Tories by our enemies so we need to change perceptions of a Tory. This mini-campaign is only an inch when we need a mile, but I am sure the next book of New Labour Sleaze will feature this incident.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 1:19 pm

Thank you, Prague Tory. I cannot fault your reasoning. If you can create a tiny breach in the dyke, it's a start; and the Tory party itself is doing such a terrible job of encouraging right thinking.

When, oh, when will they discover that they picked a loser in Dave and dump him. I feel he is such an obstacle to the resurgence of the party.

But more power to your elbow, Prague Tory!  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 1:29 pm

Praguetory - Wealthy , circles ? Subtle .
It seems to me that if taking back the Tory brand involves participating in micro issue gestures then we are one further step down the road to becoming the Liberal Party. Lord knows what circles you think will give a monkey’s one way or the other . Are you that sort of Conservative that feels Thatcher is an embarrassment to be hidden in the top room like mad nameless Mrs . Rochester . In practice this is what this rebranding often involves and David Cameron has gone out of his way to participate in it. I am all for personal kindness but this is not a person to me .
Also no offence intended.Symbols are important and this one is wrong IMHO  

Blogger Praguetory said... 1:44 pm

Each to his own. I am not engaging in any arm-twisting here.

Some of the charges you make a pretty strong stuff, if you don't mind me saying so. I am a big fan of Thatcher - you won't hear me talking her down. Personally, I'm not talking about reinventing the damned brand, just showing some pride in it and attacking some of the bilge that passes for received wisdom these days. Forgive me for my optimism - it's proabbaly my youth.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 2:00 pm

If strong stuff meant me . Sorry.I often go to far and always regret it  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 1:04 pm

why dont' you all open your eyes? don't you think its quite strange that this programme that this lad made has a list of people on imdb after his name??? CAMERA people that didnt receive a penny and that mr dewsbury got to work for him for free. He knew what he was doing. And didnt share any of his winning s for this documentary to the people that helped him go round the country and film.

Don't be so blind.  

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