Obsidian black ironies department
Apparently Adams, McGuinness and the more obscure Gerry Kelly 'have now increased their security' owing to threats from 'dissident' Republicans'.
Can't say I'm hugely surprised, as these careers tend to follow the same arc - radicalising as a youth, followed by low level involvement, 'active engagement', progression up the 'career' ladder followed by a winding down in late middle age when they decide that a quiet life is preferable to going down in a hail of bullets. Those at the bottom of the food chain regard the final part of the arc as a sell out, and itching for a bit of action themselves get a tad irked if they don't get the chance.
Can't say I'm hugely surprised, as these careers tend to follow the same arc - radicalising as a youth, followed by low level involvement, 'active engagement', progression up the 'career' ladder followed by a winding down in late middle age when they decide that a quiet life is preferable to going down in a hail of bullets. Those at the bottom of the food chain regard the final part of the arc as a sell out, and itching for a bit of action themselves get a tad irked if they don't get the chance.
I really appreciate the fact that I, an ex british soldier, who is mainly a law abiding man cannot legally own a handgun but martin mcguiness does , and carries it.
Adams has an armed security team , all provos.
How sad, what a pitty. Perhaps they are beginning to feel like so many of our people who have been terrorised by their subordinates over the last 35 years.
I doubt it'll change their view though. Republicans never have had any affection towards fellow human beings, all that matters is 'the cause'.
A similiar arc to many criminals .
In this context see the host on Boris`s site below( who thinks I am rude)and who belives reason is king . I was thinking of the IRA`s ability to continue to talk and shoot and bomb and the ad hoc justifications of their actions they spew out . Reason does not always win , (he should meet my wife). An impression of reason plus a bomb works very well.
"Speak as you will, you are free to say it, but I see no reason to abuse people when reason almost always wins the day."
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