Where should Britain's nuclear waste go?
David 'Owl Magnet' Milliband wants councils to 'to volunteer to have a nuclear dump in their area'. (Source).
I do not suppose that the floors of the Deaprtment of Environment will need RSJs to cope with the weight of the application letters, so perhaps people would like to make some suggestions. (Anyone suggesting Croydon gets a lifetime ban...).
I'll kick it off with Merthyr Tydfil, a place so ugly it makes Vorkuta look like
I read they are in the market for such things.
Sweden,they've got lots of space
Plus what with it being so dark in the North, it might be quite handy for the moose to glow in the dark.
just been on Kate's blog and she has an interesting link to a site that tells you how many people have your name in the US.bizzarrely,99.52% of the people with the first name dennis are men..........
there are no Rudyards
I really must get back to work
Where should Britain's nuclear waste go? It depends on where Tone 'n' the Blairina go once we're rid of them in Downing St.
hasnt slough suffered enough?
Africa is the best place for it.
Radiation is very over rated as a danger.
I'll nominate West Bromwich; in Sandwell commonly know as the Black Country (The arm pit of the West Midlands)
Failing that, Ibiza, during holiday season, oh wait the British already send its waste there during holiday season!!!
Not more army style 'volunteering' from NuLab !
Coventry. But sandwell is a good possibility as well.
Miliband is living in cloud cuckoo land. If local authorities can't dispose of their household waste because4 their landfill sites are full, how are they going to manage with radioactive waste? I think this is a clever and deliberate ploy to delay dealing with this issue.
The House of Commons seems as good a place as any!
Newcastle becuase the genetic defects generated by the leakage would nto be discernable in the native population; in fact they may even prove a useful boon.
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