Ah. Mad Inejad
He's up to old tricks again, this time his hobbyhorse is to encourage a population boom:
"I am against saying that two children are enough. Our country has a lot of capacity. It has the capacity for many children to grow in it. It even has the capacity for 120 million people. Westerners have got problems. Because their population growth is negative, they are worried and fear that if our population increases, we will triumph over them.” (source).
And showing his grasp of workplace economic is about as impressive as that of couple psychology - (Imagine the conversation out in the
Behind the beige safari suit and mad mullah beard the man talks a lot of sense.
We northern Europeans are slowly being replaced by blacks, asians and hispanics.
We need to do more breeding.
Full-time wages for p/t hours? That cd work as well as les 35 heures - the State p[ays yu not to work 4 hours.
P.H. yu shd read the (fake)Green Party's stuff on migration - they want no controls (they're not fair to the 3d Mondo) and no deportations. Nor, indeed, where the housing wd be built.
Salaam etc.
S - and if you are an Iranian policewoman, you could probably afford to retire before you started the job.
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