Blog slang
While nosing around earlier, I found this rather amusing set of acronyms to use on blogs.
Here's an extract:
Liberal/Progressive blogs
AAS - another angry student
IAKBIAA - I already know Bush is an a**hole
INKWYABWAYF - I now know what you're against, but what are you for?
CESM - cheese-eating surrender monkey
TECATM - this "equality" concept appeals to me
YBIGTBTCOASR - your blog is going to be the centrepiece of a social revolution
All Blogs
BAD - buy a dictionary
WDYB - why do you bother?
OCBIWYTVMB - only commenting because i want you to visit to my blog
AYAASWOWF - are you also a sociopath when out with friends?
SICHBA - sorry, i came here by accident
GABDY - got a book deal yet?
DAWTCDFYBWYCDFT - ask not what Technorati can do for you -- ask what you can do for Technorati
YMETWDIBLTP - yet more evidence that web design is best left to professionals
Here's an extract:
Liberal/Progressive blogs
AAS - another angry student
IAKBIAA - I already know Bush is an a**hole
INKWYABWAYF - I now know what you're against, but what are you for?
CESM - cheese-eating surrender monkey
TECATM - this "equality" concept appeals to me
YBIGTBTCOASR - your blog is going to be the centrepiece of a social revolution
All Blogs
BAD - buy a dictionary
WDYB - why do you bother?
OCBIWYTVMB - only commenting because i want you to visit to my blog
AYAASWOWF - are you also a sociopath when out with friends?
SICHBA - sorry, i came here by accident
GABDY - got a book deal yet?
DAWTCDFYBWYCDFT - ask not what Technorati can do for you -- ask what you can do for Technorati
YMETWDIBLTP - yet more evidence that web design is best left to professionals
They sound very complicated, don't think I could learn them. Is there one you could do for "It's sunny outside, yet I'm still stuck here blogging"?
Here goes: ISOYISSHB
Not bad actually, as it can said aloud without sounding completely insane....
Here's mine for certain bloggers who may leave comments on my site. BOSUJ
PT - I'll guess the 'o' is for 'off'?
V good. The U is using.
B*gger off, stop using jargon.
CESM will go into my vocabulary
CCBRATT? This one is tough, William.
Crypto communist being risible all the time?
If that's right, someone somewhere ought to be eating a hat.
Croydonian can't be right all the time! Ha.
Didn't really think I would be...
Time for a hint?
That's the answer. Read again.
Got to pop out to Can anyone else find the answer?
Sounds like a useful website. That's what this country needs - a really good online bacon sandwich ordering website. Or else for me to be a tad less lazy.
There's a pizzeria in these parts called Pizza Online, which has no web presence at all.
I give you EBOOFAD - Enough blogging, off out for a drink.
I might actually use that one.
It's not really going to catch on is it?
How about:
GOTALY - Got on the A-list yet?
BATWFCIFY - Been asked to write for Comment is Free yet?
Said with no particular individual(s) in mind of course...
Paul - Like them.
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