The trouble with celebs seeking office

This rather elegant Indian lady is Jaya Prada, currently an MP for Rampur in Uttar Pradesh. She represents the Samajwadi Party, which terms itself a Democratic Socialist party (What is it with luvvies and the Left?). She has, however, had a falling out with her party leader, Azam Khan, although quite why remains a mystery. However, she would seem to make a habit of spats with leaders as she fell out with the leader of the Telegu Dasam party too, prompting a switch in allegiance:
"Jayaprada...alleged that (Khan and supporters) have released her CDs and posters just to scandalise her image.
"I am yet to see the content of the CDs but the posters released by them are very bad in taste, damaging my reputation. I am approaching the Election Commission to check this sort of campaigning," she said".
A bit of googling has not turned up anything particularly scandalous, although those who like that sort of thing can view her doing a high-pitched song and dance routine with a bloke in a shellsuit here.
What this all puts me in mind of is the mischief that Brown could have at Glenda Jackson's expense. And if readers do not know to what I refer, the truth is out there...
"What is it with luvvies and the left?" Put simply, actors are narcissistic praise junkies who cannot bear the thought of being disliked, and take up their political affiliations with what they imagine to be the Worldwide Party of Nice People in order to play to another audience.
Mark - Sounds about right. It is a crying shame that Vanessa's Loonies seem to have given up the ghost, as the West End Revolutionary Party added hugely to the gaiety of the nation.
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