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The things our French friends get worked up about

They can be quite curious. François Bayrou, leader of the MoDem (LibDem equivalent) and a decent enough sort by all accounts, wants to visit the tomb of Robert Schuman that he might honour one of the founders of the EU and lay a bouquet to mark his visit.

Not hugely controversial one might think, although Schuman was a Christian Democrat. Should anyone from the LibDems, Labour or whoever wish to honour Churchill - for example - I would be happy enough with that, but would suspect that there was electioneering / posturing /playing with the fancy dress box going on. As indeed there probably is here, but quand même...

Anyway, the Grand Fromage of the Conseil Generale of the Moselle departement (wherein Schuman is buried), a Gaullist, is making difficulties and writs are being waved. Said Grand Fromage has declared that the chapel in Scy-Chazelles will be shut on Saturday because of security issues etc and preparations for Europe Day (What? You didn't know?), which is on the ninth.

Bayrou says this is his usual way of spending the ninth, and given that he hails from the other end of France, this shows some dedication.

One might note that Mitterand regularly visited the tomb of a rather more odious character - Marshall Petain. Yes he did.

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Anonymous CdG said... 4:47 pm

Chinese spam, sir? With boiled or fried rice?

Yes, Papa Mitrand was distinctly fishy. Hmm.  

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