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TUC calls for command and control economy

Or our old friend 'Socialism via the back door'. Herewith some choice quotes from its press release on 'Unlocking green enterprise: A Low Carbon Strategy for the UK Economy'.

The use of the word 'enterprise' is a particularly nice touch.

"One of the current barriers to unlocking green enterprise in the UK, says the TUC, is down to the current cost of goods and services not reflecting their actual impact on the environment, leaving companies with little incentive to introduce costlier, greener alternatives. This in turn makes it less likely than firms will invest in new green products and keeps consumer demand low. All of which underlines the need for Government action now to ensure the future success of the UK economy".

Or in other words, because people do not make the 'right' decisions, they must be compelled to do so by the state.

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