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Keeping sense of proportion, Chicago style

From the Chicago Tribune, 18/8. Sorry, no link for reasons to dull to go into.

Hillary Clinton supporter Kathryn Oberly:

"So on June 4, after the last primary vote had been counted and I could no longer delude myself into thinking Hillary could still win the nomination, I just wasn't ready to jump on Barack Obama's bandwagon. It was too soon. I needed time to grieve.

And grieve I did, for an entire month".

Maybe one should not intrude on private grief, but that has cheered me up no end.


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Blogger Newmania said... 1:43 pm

She is alone actually the Democratic Party agonised about La Clinton for years because she was so loathed by polled all and sundries . I actually quite liked her and certainly preferred her to "The One "  

Blogger Croydonian said... 1:51 pm

I think you should lie down in a darkened room for a while, Mr N.  

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