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A late Christmas present idea

If Libération is to be believed, the gift that keeps on giving, brings a smile to the face of one's loved ones yadda yadda yadda is a ton of C02. The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation has been hawking the carbon dioxide, or more accurately a certificate saying that the organisation has bought it on one's behalf. Showing a hugely creditable approach to making money, the Swedish bunny huggers buy the carbon dioxide for around a fiver and flip it for around £25. TallOil was a repeat customer, and has been dishing out the CO2 to customers and employees. I expect the latter were delighted with that as a Christmas bonus. Still, at least it won't get stolen by morally suspect Chicagoans.
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Anonymous Anonymous said... 8:49 am

Return of the Swede meme eh C. Very good.

Picked this Christmas thought up on Mutley it was posted by someone who call himself beast. Made me laugh

...... I am off to Margate for a traitional christmas , they put the entire local council to death on christmas day , by riping their hearts out at the climax of the xmas orgy and parade the entrails down the 'golden mile' .....its so christmassy.It sounds a little harsh but council members live like gods for a year on the council tax , and then perish to ensure the continuance of the local services next year  

Blogger Croydonian said... 10:30 am

Sounds like something from the 'Golden Bough', doesn't it?  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 12:46 pm

I thought you would still be blogging furiously, don't forget to celebrate Christmas though, take a break.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 1:02 pm

mr mnai if you are off to margate , then you have had you id cloned by hirst , he has been contacting me using your name and contact details  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 1:03 pm

sorry misread
you are not off to margate  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 5:28 pm

That looks like the contemporary version of "selling of indulgences", previously practised by the Catholic Church until Luther pinned down his version of "j'accuse".  

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