Good company and perhaps some quality retsina is, in my opinion, one of the best and most harmless tranquilizers" (
Not a bad idea, although I think I would substitute something,
anything, else for retsina.
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on Friday, December 01, 2006 at 11:14 am.
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But if you happened to be sitting on a beach on a beautiful Greek island with lovely people, you probably wouldn't need the retsina. I like it, btw, but then I am half Greek.
I've just mentioned you on my site re the Olympics, now you will need tranquilisers when the bills start popping through your letterbox!
All a matter of taste, and indeed context. I find that pastis just does not work in these parts, but is very pleasant as an aperitif when in warmer climes
You dint like pastis in cold climes C ?
I loves them , Greggs do a really nice cheese and onion one.
Well, I'm in warmer climes and retsina is still revolting.
Well, there is such a thing as Breton whisky (sic), so why not Cornish pastis?
I cannot help but wonder who thought it was a great idea to add tree resin to wine.
I cannot help but wonder who thought it was a great idea to add tree resin to wine.
Probably somebody with a load of tree resin to unload C
I can understand that retsina is an acquired taste, especially the home produced stuff straight from a barrel. It's not made for wimps!
P - Seems more likely than the official reason of pine resin having been used as a sealant on amphorae.
Ellee - Maybe I'll try it again. Historically I didn't like olives...
C- can I bring Buckfast into this for a minute? I'd happily drink a forest full of pine resin rather than a bottle of Buck again.
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