A brief digression about Norway
I have generally warm feelings about our friends on the other side of the North Sea, and I've been led to believe that they quite like us too. Which is nice.
Anyway, I've just added Aftenposten's helpful English language edition to my bookmarks, and can only feel somewhat wistful that the lead story in those parts involves a drunk teacher showing up for work. I cannot imagine that that would make the front page of a local paper in the UK. Given the terrifying price of booze yonder, teachers must be paid quite well, or else the teacher (gender is unreported) must have shown considerable workrate and commitment to getting soused. Lucky the land with so little news.
Anyway, I've just added Aftenposten's helpful English language edition to my bookmarks, and can only feel somewhat wistful that the lead story in those parts involves a drunk teacher showing up for work. I cannot imagine that that would make the front page of a local paper in the UK. Given the terrifying price of booze yonder, teachers must be paid quite well, or else the teacher (gender is unreported) must have shown considerable workrate and commitment to getting soused. Lucky the land with so little news.
Hmm. The main story is "Informer found dead" at 11:45 Croydon time.
Aftenposten frequently headlines violent crime. The supposed tranquillity of Scandinavia is a pious myth.
The theory that eye-watering tax rates pay for lots of nice nannies who prevent crime, remains unproven.
Ah well, that's my theory shot down in flames.
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