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And the results are in

A little sieving of notifications of new posts in Outlook disclosed my most active posters, so here is the top 15:

  • Peter Hitchens
  • Verity
  • Newmania
  • Rigger Mortice
  • IstanbulTory (including GC)
  • Ellee
  • PragueTory (including Witheshaw)
  • Colin
  • Phone Cam Foolery (whatever happened to him, eh?)
  • CityUnslicker
  • Suttonian (including many, many aliases...)
  • UK Daily Pundit
  • Dearieme
  • AJH
  • Tejus Ramakrishnan

No numbers, as it isn't a race, but the top nine all made three figures and everyone else broke 50. Another 16 posted ten times or more. Thank you to all of the posters this year (apart from the spammers and those who posted pretending to be one of my regulars), for making the blogging both hugely entertaining and informative for me, and I hope, the rest of you. Little though I approve of 'chain letter' blog posts, I challenge my most regular ports of call to do the same. You know who you are....

I trust everyone will have a splendid Christmas, and I'll give very short odds that I'll end up calling in tomorrow.
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Blogger Stan Bull said... 7:09 pm

Obviously, I am honoured to find myself in such distinguished company. Damn it man, your blog is addictive. As Tejus pointed out.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 7:21 pm

*note to self*
Get out more in 2007 (+:  

Blogger Rigger Mortice said... 7:38 pm

The phone cam fool ..eh? I think we all know that PCF got killed by the forces of mediocrity and inertia.

Must say thanks for a entertaining me throughout the working day and beyond.only really been blogging since Jan but it's cut down the amount of time I used to spend on those sites ma C wouldn't approve of. They degrade women and men too.

and to my fellow posters who have made me laugh,hope it's another good year.

PS how sad am I? ten mins from being off to the pub and I'm on here afrtaid I've missed something.  

Blogger Rigger Mortice said... 7:39 pm

oh and there does seema lot of foamers in that list  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 10:41 pm

"seem a lot of foamers in that list"

Thanks, Rigger Mortice,

Because I assumed that I was the only foamer in the list.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 11:43 pm


Anonymous Anonymous said... 10:31 am

addictive peeking in on somones laptop,which Ican`tuse

I thoughtI`d be top

Noteto self ,drink less

Didyou know that the word squaw actually means the female pudenda and not wife. Itisa which is a mis-translation  

Blogger Croydonian said... 10:50 am

N - discover that from a christmas cracker?  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 10:56 am

Her name was drinking woman talks much.

Huh.......AmI thatpredictable?  

Blogger Croydonian said... 11:12 am

"Anyway, why do you ask, Two Dogs Fornicating?"  

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