A late Christmas present idea
If Libération is to be believed, the gift that keeps on giving, brings a smile to the face of one's loved ones yadda yadda yadda is a ton of C02. The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation has been hawking the carbon dioxide, or more accurately a certificate saying that the organisation has bought it on one's behalf. Showing a hugely creditable approach to making money, the Swedish bunny huggers buy the carbon dioxide for around a fiver and flip it for around £25. TallOil was a repeat customer, and has been dishing out the CO2 to customers and employees. I expect the latter were delighted with that as a Christmas bonus. Still, at least it won't get stolen by morally suspect Chicagoans.
Return of the Swede meme eh C. Very good.
Picked this Christmas thought up on Mutley it was posted by someone who call himself beast. Made me laugh
...... I am off to Margate for a traitional christmas , they put the entire local council to death on christmas day , by riping their hearts out at the climax of the xmas orgy and parade the entrails down the 'golden mile' .....its so christmassy.It sounds a little harsh but council members live like gods for a year on the council tax , and then perish to ensure the continuance of the local services next year
Sounds like something from the 'Golden Bough', doesn't it?
I thought you would still be blogging furiously, don't forget to celebrate Christmas though, take a break.
mr mnai if you are off to margate , then you have had you id cloned by hirst , he has been contacting me using your name and contact details
sorry misread
you are not off to margate
That looks like the contemporary version of "selling of indulgences", previously practised by the Catholic Church until Luther pinned down his version of "j'accuse".
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