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Hurrah for Hague

The now, thankfully no longer under appreciated William Hague has come up with a corker:

”The Conservatives will "do whatever is necessary" to realise their goal of a transatlantic free trade zone, says shadow foreign secretary William Hague.

He says he is not ruling out rewriting the Treaty of Rome - the deal creating the EU's forerunners. The UK should be championing efforts to break down trade barriers between the US and Europe, he argued”.

Perhaps the single most encouraging thing I've heard from the Tories in a while, so yes please. And can we go about pulling in the rest of the world sooner rather than later, please?

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Blogger Ellee Seymour said... 1:25 pm

This is a tough nut to crack. The US gives very generous subsidies to their farmers, particularly cotton growers, and there is no level playing field. Bush will be concerned about losing future votes if he meets our demands so it will interesting to see how it develops.  

Blogger Croydonian said... 1:29 pm

Agreed. I wish that both the EU and the US would copy our kin in New Zealand and stop ALL farming subsidies. In the meantime, free trade in other products would be a good start, although judging from the continual spats between EADS and Boeing this will not be easily done.

Still, for a statement of intent, Hague gets top marks from me.  

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