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Fame at last - after a fashion

A few weeks back Iain Dale canvassed his audience for an article he was penning for Tribune, and I was first out of the traps in suggesting that it was easier to blog against than to blog for. Admittedly this is hardly an earth- shattering insight, but it made it into his finished article.

Meanwhile, nice work by Iain in taking the battle of ideas into the enemy camp, and I hope the article has the old class warriors at Tribune spluttering into their tea.


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Blogger Ellee Seymour said... 1:29 pm

Iain should be a diplomat, he is unique in having a stanuch Labour fan folowing too.  

Blogger Croydonian said... 6:58 pm

I think it is his light touch - ranters are rarely going to make much headway with those who disagree with them. Plus our left leaning friends do have a tendency to self-righteousness and humourlessness.  

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