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Charles Haughey dies

Second only to Mitterand as the vilest individual to achieve high office in a European democracy since the war.

Meanwhile, the world waits with bated breath for Conor Cruise O'Brien's full thoughts on this event, but for now we have this from 1982 :"If I saw Mr. Haughey buried at midnight at a crossroads with a stake driven through his heart, politically speaking, I should continue to wear a clove of garlic around my neck, just in case,'' wrote Conor Cruise O'Brien, a former Irish diplomat and editor of the Observer newspaper, in 1982".

And if the Irish Independent would hurry up and approve my registration I could fill in a detail or two about CCO'B reckoning that the old crook doesn't merit a state funeral.


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Blogger Jennytc said... 6:44 am

I was living in Ireland in the early 70's when he was in the early stages of his political career - very dodgy even then.  

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