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Amicus advises staff to pull 'sickies'

The Telegraph is reporting that Amicus is advising that those who cannot negiotiate time off to watch World Cup games should just pull sickies. Some points to consider - Amicus is largely a public sector union, so anyone doing this is effectively stealing from the tax payer, anyone who pulls a tactical sickie is forcing his or her colleagues to do additional work (or at the very least delay it) and is undermining the trust of the employer.

Can't say I'm exactly impressed, particularly since I joined the labour force in 1987 post University I've never taken any sick leave, A - because I haven't been ill, B - if I am not sick I will not defraud my employer and cheat my colleagues and C - for the last ten years I've been self -employed and therefore only ever get ill when I'm on holiday.

And the fact that I've got an uncancellable medical appointment at 5 today has absolutely nothing to do with me being bitter and twisted about this.

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Blogger Jennytc said... 6:42 am

You've hit the nail on the head, I think. Being self employed means you can't afford to be ill. Similarly in teaching (primary at least)- teachers don't stay off unless they're dying because they know how much disruption their absence will cause the rest of the staff.  

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