Fun with statistics, TUC dept
Here are the unemployment figures by gender, region by region - as found at the TUC's site, so presumably derived from the usual Fantasy Island official figures:
Readers might cast an eye over the figures and conclude that it is we chaps who are hardest hit by job losses, and therefore consider that the TUC - having seen these figures - would be worrying about male unemployment. This is not what it has been doing, rather it is concerned that any early attempts to balance the books would result in female employment being disproportionately hit.
Readers might cast an eye over the figures and conclude that it is we chaps who are hardest hit by job losses, and therefore consider that the TUC - having seen these figures - would be worrying about male unemployment. This is not what it has been doing, rather it is concerned that any early attempts to balance the books would result in female employment being disproportionately hit.
Labels: fun with statistics, Unions
There's more to it than that.
The point is, the quickest way out of recession is to reduce public sector non-jobs and cut taxes (and stop bailing out the bl**dy banks in order to try and keep the house price bubble inflated - one mistake that John Major avoided).
And as any fule kno, there is a huge overlap between trade union membership and being in the public sector. Despite public sector is only about a quarter of all jobs, it's about two-thirds of trade union membership (or whatever the figures are).
And, as any fule also kno, seventy per cent (see Table 5(2)) of the eight million jobs in 'Public admin, education and health' are held by women.
Now, I'm as feminist as the next person, but if cutting non-jobs is the way forward, the fact that it would affect women more than men is just a price we have to pay.
Mark - I do declare we are on the same page.
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