Things that politicians really should not do, #87
Canadian PM Stephen Harper sings a Beatles song:
The National Post noted the following:
Amusing to thing that a 1967 equivalent would have been Lester Pearson singing something from the mid 1920s.
The National Post noted the following:
"The surprise to those Canadians who see Mr. Harper as the arch-political tactician was that it was Mrs Harper who pushed an idea, which caused much chewing of fingernails among political advisors. Everyone could see the potential upside of neutering the impression that the Prime Ministers is a cultural cro-magnon. But they could also see the massive downside if his version of "With a Little Help From My Friends" supplanted William Shatner's Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds as the worst Beatles cover of all time and became a Youtube classic. That opposition is said to have melted once they heard the Prime Minister sing and tinkle the ivories - he isn't Joe Cocker but he hits less bum notes than Ringo Starr. Mrs. Harper said she knew she had her man when he said "maybe" to the idea".
Amusing to thing that a 1967 equivalent would have been Lester Pearson singing something from the mid 1920s.
Labels: Canada
To which there is only one possible response.
Thanks for that. I miss the old rogue.
Well, I actually liked it. Harper did a good job and I enjoyed it much more than I enjoy his leadership. Who knows how many votes he won by doing this.
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